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Verbotomist's Delight
This is a Darwinian greenhouse. To see the top verboticisms for each definition, visit the archives on the Verbotomy Blog.
DEFINITION: v. To tease, ridicule or twitter about someone who has made a fashion mistake. n. A materialistic twit who feels it's their duty to inform others when fashion standards have not been met.
DEFINITION: v. To compensate for lack of love, attention and/or sexual favors by buying things, lots of things. n. An object purchased to compensate for sexual dawdling.
DEFINITION: v. To share a true but extremely embarrassing story about a close personal friend at the worst possible time. n. A moment of ill-timed honesty.
DEFINITION: n. A person who likes to dress up and seems to have a different outfit for every occasion. v. To dress up in fancy clothes whenever you go out because you don't know who you're going to meet, and you don't want to get dressed down.
DEFINITION: v. To compulsively shop for and buy shoes that are stylish, sexy and extremely uncomfortable. n. A person who has an uncontrolled, psychological dependency on impractical shoes.
DEFINITION: v.To be so obsessed with your own cleverness and wittiness that you don't listen to what anyone else is saying, let alone understand them. v. A person who is obsessed with their own wittiness.
DEFINITION: n. The type of headache you get from buying too many things with your credit card. Note: Symptoms do not usually appear until the following month.v. To buy yourself a huge credit card headache.
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