The create-a-word game
DEFINITION: n., Second-hand sound which has escaped from a headset. v., To play music on personal listening device so loudly that it leaks out of the earphones.
Verbotomatics: Scoring
1. Voting: Each Author gets two "plus" Votes.
2. Creativity Points: You get 4 points for creating a word, 5 points for creating a sentence, plus 1 point each for the pronunciation and etymology.
3. Voting Points: Each vote counts for 3 points
VERBOTICISM: Each Verboticism created: +4 Each Sentence created: +5 Each Pronunciation: +1 Each Etymology: +1 Each Vote received: +3 Total: Points
A the end of the week, the Author with the most points is declared the winner.
PLAYERS: Each Verboticism created: +4 Each Sentence created: +5 Each Pronunciation: +1 Each Etymology: +1 Each Vote cast +1 Each Vote received: +3 Total: Points