Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To wait patiently, or perhaps not, for a little bit of medical attention and hopefully some relief from what ails you. n. A person who is sick, and tired, and waiting for medical care.
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Created by: kateinkorea
Pronunciation: TOO long GAN uh muhs
Sentence: She was longanimous in her suffering, never even whispering a complaint or a whimper in spite of her pain. But that was the first eight hours, sitting in the hospital waiting room. By the ten hour mark she winced slightly whenever she had to move. When the doctor finally showed up after she had been there for twelve hours, she was toolonganimous. She no longer suffered silently.
Etymology: LONGANIMOUS: patient endurance of hardship, injuries, or offense; forbearance TOO LONG:
Great last line and word. - silveryaspen, 2009-03-04: 11:09:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: nau/se/wait/ed
Sentence: He nausewaited in the hospital emergency room for six hours before a doctor helped him.
Etymology: NAUSEWAITED - verb - from NAUSEATED (to feel sick) + WAIT (delay)
Really captures the feeling of being sick. Fits the definition excellently. - silveryaspen, 2009-03-04: 11:01:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: tik tok sik
Sentence: her condition went from toxic to ticktoxic in the space of eight hours
Etymology: toxic tick tock
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: con greh wait ed
Sentence: The receptionist tried to ignore the long suffering patients waiting to see the doctor. Earl Grey steeped slowly like a tea bag. Bud Light slow brewed like a beer. Sun Maid withered like a grape on the vine. Mr. Fleishman slowly rose like bread dough, only to be set back down again, and told not to rise again until called. These poor sick souls suffered interminably as they congrewaited.
Etymology: CON, CONGREGATE, WAITED. Con - to be told an untruth, such as the doctor will see you shortly. Congregate - people that have come together and wait together. Waited - to stay in one place, doing nothing for a period of time, in the expectation, or hope, that something will happen, like getting to see a doctor eventually.
Modified song of the day: "Oh dear what can the matter be? Johnny's so long at the healthcare!" - silveryaspen, 2009-03-04: 01:05:00
made me think of a conga line - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-04: 10:07:00
Were they waiting for Dr. Seymore Patients??? - Nosila, 2009-03-05: 01:37:00
You betcha, Nosila! Nice embellishment, I luv it! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-06: 03:19:00
Jabberwocky ... shall we dance? - silveryaspen, 2009-03-06: 03:19:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: grim-PAY-shunt
Sentence: Sue Ellen was doing her very best to remain cheerful but as the hours wore on and she continued to be ignored by the ER staff while feeling progressively worse she went from being an ordinary outpatient to being a grimpatient, angry and no longer a stoic and tolerant person.
Etymology: Blend of 'grim' (Dismal; gloomy) and 'patient'...dual meaning (a person who is under medical care or treatment) and (having or showing the capacity for endurance) --- a play on the word 'impatient'.
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: ker + way + ter
Sentence: Since Laurie realized that so many people waited for medical attention, it was becoming a bona-fide medical problem in itself. She decided to launch a drive called "wait for the cure" where volunteers would go down to waiting rooms in hospitals, clinics and medical offices to entertain and give moral support to the curewaiters who spend hour upon frustrating hour waiting to be seen by a doctor.
Etymology: Cure + Waiter >> Cure (remedy: a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain) Waiter (a person who waits or awaits)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: fərgetkyoō
Sentence: As he waits to see the doctor, Roger can feel his once-robust memory slowly slipping away. The mind-numbing process they call triage is sapping his greatest asset. The feeling of rapid-onset Alzheimers is only enhanced by browsing outdated magazines. He had already forgotten the Alamo. The Dewey Decimal System will soon follow. He is caught in a forgetqueue. He is amused that they call this Emergency Room the Urgent Care Unit. An hour later he can't remember what urgent means. He is now focused remembering his own name. If he lets that go, he knows he will never get out of here.
Etymology: forget (inadvertently neglect to attend to, do, or mention) + queue (a line or sequence of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed)
Brillianty hilarious "sentence"! BRAVO! - metrohumanx, 2009-03-04: 09:44:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: im-pey-shuhnts
Sentence: The chart may have listed Rosie as an out-patient but the nurses designated her as one of the impatients.
Etymology: impatience (eagerly desirous) + patient (a person who is under medical care or treatment)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: re-MEE-dal-ee
Sentence: In haiku. A room of sneezes. Doctor calls 'next'. One less remedally.
Etymology: remedy + dally + remedial
nice one petaj - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-04: 10:06:00
Gives new meaning to poetic justice! Magnificent! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-04: 11:06:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: an tis i pay shent
Sentence: The people in the ER waiting room tended to be anticipatient. They drank the awful coffee from the vending machine and then cued up for the toilets. Don't they know you do not buy just rent coffee for a while?
Etymology: Anticipate (wait for) & Patient (a person who requires medical care;enduring without complaint)