Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v. , To over indulge your pet. n., A pet which has trained its owner to jump, rollover and beg.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: pet own ya
Sentence: Petula's new poodle puppy was called Petunia. She was a purebred pooch and a pretentious poseur. Petula attended her every need and was worse than a Stage Mother when managing Petunia's daily life. However, Petula was suffering from a new malaise called petownia...where your every living moment is devoted to the feeding, comfort and care of an animal pet. When Petula's friend, Peter saw her pushing Petunia's perambulator, he paused and posed the probing question, "Why are you pushing her in a stroller?" When Petula's implausible retort came, Peter had one main thought. "Who would an alien assume was the leader on our planet? The pooch, or the person picking up her poo?" Unless he was from anywhere but Pluto...he could only assume it was the pets who were in charge!
Etymology: Pet (a domesticated animal kept for companionship or amusement) & Own (have ownership or possession of) & Ya (you) & Wordplay on Petunia (flower with numerous fluted petals; smells sweet and very hardy)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: best in sho yu
Sentence: When Margie ran around with her Poodle, Xaviera, in her customized stroller for poodles, everyone wondered who obeyed who? That dog had more outfits and toys than the most spoiled child and everyone knew that Margie waited upon Xaviera like a devoted slave. Everyone figured that she herself had gotten the BestinShowYou Trophy, because she did everything for that dog. Do you think that if Aliens landed here they would think that the Humans were not in charge, but just the dogs. But how does one explain the fact that if we are so smart, why are we running around picking up the Dogs' poop and lovingly carrying it home, like a treasure in a plastic bag...??? Who is actually in charge???
Etymology: Best In Show - Winners of the AKC's Annual Dog Show; Movie parody about said Industry by Christopher Guest et al: Show You - Teach you; prove to you;guide you on certain topics.
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: air/dale
Sentence: An heirdale along with the much sought after wallettease are special breeds who are expected to inherit their owners estates. They can get whatever they want with a click of their heels.
Etymology: airedale + heir
Gets my vote JW! - galwaywegian, 2007-12-11: 10:06:00
Created by: bzav1
Pronunciation: pet - care - ee - us
Sentence: I was often plunged into a kind of wonder at my petcarious depravity. credit to Robert Louis Stevenson, Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Etymology: pet + vicarious, with 'care' thrown in as an accidental bonus
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: MOG-ee-kod-l
Sentence: Regardless of his petulance, Roxie moggicoddled Koshka with felixation.
Etymology: Blend of MOGGIE: cat (also lamb, calf and other animals in some English dialects) & MOLLYCODDLE:to pamper, cosset, cade. FELIXATION: Blend of "felix" & fixation.
"Moggie" is a common term for a cat in Australia - Is its use widespread - or even known - in other parts of the English speaking world? - OZZIEBOB, 2007-12-11: 06:48:00
"Moggie" seems to be used more by predominantly British-influenced populations. I've never heard it used here (Eastern U.S.) but I'm not really a 'cat person' either. Interesting blend, BTW. - Tigger, 2007-12-11: 14:37:00
I love the way it sounds - Jabberwocky, 2007-12-11: 14:45:00
In Encarta's dictionarie there is no moggie ... only a moggy and here's the definition they gave: mog·gy [ móggee ] (plural mog·gies) noun Definition: U.K. ( informal ) Same as cat (sense 2) [Late 17th century. Variant of aggie - silveryaspen, 2007-12-13: 15:58:00
oops ... variant of maggie for the above comment correction. I salute you Ozziebob! And Thank You! For me a word I didn't know. - silveryaspen, 2007-12-13: 16:00:00
ARGHHHHHHH! another correction to the above! For 'giving' me a word I didn't know. Will you 'forgive' me for making too many comments here? And all because I couldn't seem to type what I wanted today! - silveryaspen, 2007-12-13: 16:01:00
I value your comments, Silver. Thanks for your imput. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-12-19: 18:06:00
"Dictionary of Slang" : ' moggie/moggie n, 1, {early 18C -late 19C)an untidy dressed woman, a slattern. 2.(1970s a cat,(? proper name Maggie or dial. moggie, a calf. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-12-19: 18:12:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: mol lee poo del
Sentence: When Zsa Zsa pushed her poodle, FiFi, around in an expensive stroller, Max wondered why she would mollypoodle her so much. He realized that it was because Zsa Zsa had no children, had more money than sense and loved the attention her glamourous dog brought her way.
Etymology: Mollycoddle (treat with excessive indulgence) & Poodle (dog breed,an intelligent dog with a heavy curly solid-colored coat that is usually clipped and a pet that is fancily groomed)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: goō chē poō chē
Sentence: Brucie was oh so devoted to his guccipoochie that he had a messenger bag custom designed just to carry it around with him. Pookie had more expensive one-of-a-kind sweaters than Bill Cosby. Even Pookie's breed was designer. She was a combination of chihuahua and dachshund. Brucie could be heard asking anybody who would listen, "Would you like to see my Chiweenie?". The question never failed to elicit a response.
Etymology: Gucci (Top-end design company founded by Guccio Gucci) + Poochie (a dog)
love it! - galwaywegian, 2008-11-03: 04:38:00
Very good! - Mustang, 2008-11-03: 18:13:00
Nicely fashioned - OZZIEBOB, 2008-11-04: 15:53:00
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: FALL-ee-COD-uhl (follycoddler,follycoddled)
Sentence: Mad Shirley lived in an unheated garage with her two poorly behaved, recalcitrant canine-americans, Duchess and Duke. Mad Shirley FOLLYCODDLED her dogs to the point where she had no discretionary income of her own, even though she fancied herself the "alpha male" of her pack. Mad Shirley's few friends tolerated her lunacy, until she declined a much-needed kidney transplant operation so that she could pay for Botox injections for Duchess, and a new wardrobe for Duke. Surely Shirly shouldn't shirk her daily doggie duties, but a diet of Purina Pro-Plan probably promoted her early demise....although she DID have a glossy coat when they found her. WOOF!
Etymology: FOLLY+CODDLE=FOLLYCODDLE.....FOLLY:lack of good sense or normal prudence and foresight regarding the treatmentof domesticated animules,criminally or tragically foolish actions or conduct,an excessively costly or unprofitable undertaking,a foolish act or idea;Middle English folie, from Anglo-French, from fol fool .....CODDLE:to treat with extreme or excessive care or kindness, often to the point of ridiculosity;perhaps from caudle (1598 AD)
HEY! I just Googled my word and found it here:
My apologies.....Metro :( - metrohumanx, 2008-11-03: 02:06:00 - metrohumanx, 2008-11-03: 02:06:00
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: fash-pugh-knee-sta
Sentence: It was hard to tell if the glittery, sequined being in the stroller was a really ugly, yet stylish child or an over accesorized chihuahua who was clearly the victim of a fashpugnista.
Etymology: fashionista + pug
Created by: idavecook
Pronunciation: Lay Bitch
Sentence: OMG, Sheila's gone so ABFAB, Fifi is sooo lebitch!
Etymology: Come on, do I really need to explain?
LeLovely! - purpleartichokes, 2007-12-11: 18:11:00

Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie Thank you kabloozie ~ James
silveryaspen - 2007-12-13: 15:51:00
Your webtexting expertise is showing! Should your word 'lebitch' be 'R' rate? Very clever. I liked it even though I dinna wanna!
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie. ~ James