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'Please do not talk to me while we are in the office.'

DEFINITION: v., To ignore a "friend" at work because you don't want anyone else to know that you are friends. n., A co-worker and secret "best friend" with whom it is best to keep your friendship confidential.

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Sh-un-ch-um

Sentence: Sylvia had put in for the senior management position, So when Jill greeted her with the usual good morning in front of the boss, she felt it was best to shunchum her one time friend. After all, it wasn't the done thing to be too friendly with your subordinates.

Etymology: Shun(Ignore, reject) + Chum(Friend) ORIGIN Oxford University slang for room-mate, probably short for chamber fellow = Shunchum

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Created by: svnfsvn


Sentence: Me and bob friendicated during happyhour.

Etymology: friend + syndicate

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Created by: Chickp

Pronunciation: Con-fee-dont

Sentence: My office confidont will remember that we do not talk now but after hours.

Etymology: Confidant + don't

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: känfədōnt

Sentence: Jill is Judy’s best of friend outside of work. At work she is a confidon’t, barely acknowledging that she knows Judy.

Etymology: confidant (a person with whom one shares a secret) + don’t (contraction of do not)


:) - galwaywegian, 2011-07-07: 04:36:00


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Created by: verbinator

Pronunciation: in-COG-uh-MEE-goh

Sentence: Sarah and Kate were the classic incogamigos: cordial and distant co-workers by day, chummy phone pals by night.

Etymology: incognito + amigo


Looks nice, sounds nice. I'll try this one out on my Italian-speaking in-laws, and see their response. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-25: 18:58:00


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Created by: Koekbroer

Pronunciation: crip-toe-pal

Sentence: Clay and Doug worked at the same company but their immediate bosses were locked in a vicious feud so they were strictly cryptopals at work.

Etymology: crypto + pal. Origin from Greek kruptos 'hidden.'

COMMENTS: Superman's secret friend is a Kryptopal?? - Nosila, 2010-02-23: 00:30:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: nod nod akwain tans

Sentence: By day, Jill was a mild-mannered accountant and Jack was a mild-mannered sales manager. But no one in their office realized that they had a nondnodacquaintance. They appeared casual and aloof to each other at work. But by night, they were red-hot lovers and neither of their spouses realized that their collegiality actually went from the boardroom to the bedroom. Their clandestine relationship may have had something to do with the fact that they worked for a very religious publisher who had a no tolerance policy towards extra-marital trysts, punishable by termination of both parties.

Etymology: Nodding Acquaintance (someone known to you in passing;informal relationship) & Nod Nod (wink, wink, say no more, nuff said, know what you mean, a wink's as good as a nod to a blind Monty Python...meaning secret, hint)

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Created by: happyjocy


Sentence: When they were at work, Betty and Jane were 2 people from different planets. But, in a shopping mall, these two underpals made the perfect pair.

Etymology: Under (beneath, below, the other side of things) + pal (friend)

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Created by: kimbo123

Pronunciation: secret-frenzy

Sentence: She wanted her only as a secretfriendzy.


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Created by: brimuth

Pronunciation: non - tock - too - m - eyes

Sentence: The Supervisor's nontoktomise approach to her supposed best friend in the office, upset and annoyed those who witnessed the effect it had on her.


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-25: 03:07:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James

lumina - 2008-09-25: 12:01:00
"Yay!" :)

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-22: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James