Vote for the best verboticism.

'But I don't want my hamburger in a car'

DEFINITION: v. To ignore conventional wisdom and traffic rules by walking in areas normally restricted to motor vehicles. n. An aggressive pedestrian who feels it is their god-given right to walk in the middle of the road.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: aw-tuh-moh-bil-ee

Sentence: Billy-Bob-Jerry-Ray doesn't understand why cars seem to have all the rights. Right of way, right on red... He thinks traffic in the city should work just like back home in the Ozarks. Whoever gets there first gets the space. When he acts like he's the same as a car his friends refer to him as an automobilly.

Etymology: automobile (a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel internal-combustion engine) + hillbilly (a person from a backwoods or other remote area)

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: PAIR-uh-GRUMP

Sentence: Unable to afford the most elementary form of wheeled transport and not having the skills needed to operate even a skateboard, Fritz nurtured a lifelong grudge against scooter pilots, cyclists and anyone flaunting their customized chromium wheelchairs. Rejected by the Rebels, Fritz had become a PEREGRUMP ever since he meandered down from the hills and across the highway. Asserting his pedestrian rights, he would often step arrogantly into the flow of traffic, protected only by his hundred-meter stare and imaginary aura of invincibility. Fritz had ample time to adjust his attitude as his mangled body recovered from an all-too-close encounter with an S.U.V. Now he's in traction, staring at the hospital ceiling as he mentally composes his Speedbumpkin Manifesto and creates verbotomisms with a pencil clutched between his teeth.

Etymology: PEREGrine+gRUMP=PEREGRUMP....PEREGRINE: having a tendency to wander, sometimes obliviously;Middle French peregrin, from Medieval Latin peregrinus, from Latin, foreign.....GRUMP:a person given to complaining,an act borne of ill humor or sulkiness, sometimes malicious.


metrohumanx SPEEDBUMP: a low obstruction placed on a roadway to limit vehicular speed (1972).....Bumpkin:an awkward and unsophisticated rustic;perhaps from Dutch bommekijn small cask, from Middle Dutch, from bomme cask Date: 1570 :) - metrohumanx, 2009-03-02: 05:26:00

You must have watched the program on the Unabomber last night! - readerwriter, 2009-03-02: 09:30:00

fantastic sentence - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-02: 10:15:00

and a terrific last line! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-02: 10:41:00

insightful & funny! - splendiction, 2009-03-02: 21:29:00

So talented :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-03-25: 14:06:00


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Created by: kateinkorea

Pronunciation: CAR struck

Sentence: What an odd guy Tom is. First he just loved cars the way that a lot of young boys did. But soon it was more like an obsession. He had become completely carstruck. He took pictures of every new model that came out and pretty much wallpapered his room with them. Then it got even odder. He started to think like he was a car. He walked up to drive-throughs and ordered food, sat in a parking space at a drive-in movie, weaved in and out of traffic making honking noises and even worse...he started showering in his driveway.

Etymology: CAR: and STARSTRUCK: exhibiting a fascination with famous people


I thought of this word too, but wasn't able to come up with your wonderful sentences! - readerwriter, 2009-03-02: 09:28:00

very funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-02: 10:19:00

Miles of smiles in your sentence! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-02: 10:32:00

great ideas! - splendiction, 2009-03-02: 21:31:00


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Created by: paintergrl1313

Pronunciation: Ded-ped

Sentence: Look at that deadped thinking they can ignore the rules of traffic and walk through a drive thru.

Etymology: A pedestrian could get killed doing that, mostly cause imma run them over

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Created by: ryan14

Pronunciation: mega-purp-aly

Sentence: look at this megaperpoly holding up the line with his dumb questions!

Etymology: roman

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Created by: emnbrock

Pronunciation: in-sar-a-bruh-demi

Sentence: That person who just jumped off a bridge is an incerebrdemi.

Etymology: in- not, without; cerebr- brain; demi- people

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Created by: 796063

Pronunciation: Il-nom-in-ics

Sentence: The man who held up a metal pole during a lightning storm displayed a keen sense of ilgnomonics.

Etymology: il (without), gnomon (knowledge), ics (knowledge)

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Created by: jessi18

Pronunciation: Mal-so-fee.

Sentence: Walking in the middle of the road requires ample malsophy.

Etymology: Mal-wrong sophy-wisdom

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Created by: pandaman

Pronunciation: a-cure

Sentence: He acures in the drive-thru.

Etymology: without care

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Created by: splendiction

Pronunciation: ped es ass tri an

Sentence: She'd seldom seen pedesatrians bare-foot their way through the busy drive-thru (when the store front was nearly empty)! She tersely told him, "No barefoot pedesastrians in the drive thru lane"! Cars behind him honked. The man didn't seem to care. She reluctantly watched him proudly, mechanically, pad his feet onto the busy six-lane road, his soles black with car exhaust. This pedesastrian was even ignoring the red light! AHHHH!

Etymology: From the words pedestrian, ass and disaster. A person who unwisely or unknowingly, travels by foot on vehicle-only routes, often to disastrous consequences.

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-03-02: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-09-13: 00:41:00
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James