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'I just can't relax in the shower'

DEFINITION: v. To take a really long, relaxing, shower; so long in fact, that you loose concept of time. n. A prolonged shower that uses up a whole tank of hot water and leaves the bather looking like a boiled raisin.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: rāzənnəm

Sentence: Matt loved his new massaging showerhead. He spent such a long time in the shower that he was totally raisinumb. He didn't even notice that the hot water had run out or that he was turning blue. He only snapped out of it when the sound of his chattering teeth broke the drone of the pulsating water jet. Tomorrow he is going for prunumb.

Etymology: raisin (a partially dried grape) + numb (deprived of the power of sensation) prunumb (just like raisinumb but with prune-sized wrinkles)


Nice one! - TJayzz, 2009-02-26: 06:43:00

Good word! - splendiction, 2009-02-26: 17:56:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: dip van rink el

Sentence: Her dipvanwrinkle on her wedding night lasted so long that when she reappeared, the honeymoon was over.

Etymology: dip, wrinkle, rip van winkle


artr Nice! - artr, 2010-09-10: 13:22:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: wet tern atee

Sentence: Everyone in the household had to get up earlier now. This was so they could get to use the house's only bathroom before Kara, the teenager, got into it. When she was in there, it seemed like a wetternity to any poor soul waiting their turn. Her mother always wondered that before she turned 13, Kara simply splashed water on her face and ran out the door and had to be reminded to shower or bathe, at least every other day. Since the fateful day she turned into a hormone-on-wheels, she took endless showers in the morning and after school and a long bath at night. The irony was that although she alone was responsible for the surge in water consumption in her home, she belonged to the school's Water Conservation Club. Wait until she has to pay the utility bills, often grumbled her father. This was the same girl who was staunchly anti-litter in public, but who's bedroom carpet had not been seen in years for ankle-high debris. Teenagers, go figure!

Etymology: Wetter (more soaked in liquids, especially water, than something else) & Eternity (for all time, forever and a day; time without end; a seemingly endless period of time)

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: aych + too + ooo + nooo

Sentence: Carsten was quickly looking puckered and dry. He did not realize how much time he was spending in the shower and puzzled over his water bills. Today was truly htwohno time as he went through an entire tank of hot water, missed three phone calls, was late for work and to top it off, when he got to work no one recognized him.

Etymology: H20 + oh no >> H2O (water, the most abundant molecule on the face of the earth) oh no (An exclamation or expression of alarm, concern, or resentment about a problem or error)


terrific sentence - Jabberwocky, 2009-02-26: 10:32:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: ex/fole/ee/a/troe/fee

Sentence: When they found Prunella, the shower was still running and she had finally succumbed to exfoliatrophy.

Etymology: exfoliate + atrophy


Nice! - TJayzz, 2009-02-26: 06:42:00

Pruney no doubt put the Exfoilia Trophy in her trophy cabinet and added it to her many other awards. - Mustang, 2009-02-26: 07:48:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: sop oper ay shun

Sentence: George's twice daily overlong shower turned into a regular soapoperation...he had a shampooectomy which took over an hour each time.

Etymology: Soap Opera (daily drama) & Operation (manoeuver;planned activity)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: vedj_ATCH-uhr-ayt

Sentence: Though he didnt set out to fritter away his afternoon Hector nevertheless did in fact vegaturate in the whirlpool bath until he was totally pruney and out of energy and ambition.

Etymology: Blend of 'vegetate' (To exist in a state of physical or mental inactivity or insensibility) and 'saturate'(to soak, impregnate, or imbue thoroughly or completely)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: skrub loo shuns

Sentence: When Dr. Who does his scrublutions, he does so in his shower cabinet that looks like a red British phone booth. He calls it his Tardishower. By the time he is finished washing every part of him and then some,over and over,he has crossed into another time and dimension. This is how he makes a clean getaway...

Etymology: Scrub (wash thoroughly;the act of cleaning a surface by rubbing it with a brush and soap and water) & Ablutions (ritual washing) TARDIS (acronym for Dr.Who's travel chamber...Time And Relative Dimensions in Space)

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Created by: kateinkorea

Pronunciation: WA ter LOLLD

Sentence: I stayed in the shower for so long that I had waterlolled myself in to a wrinkled-prune state, but it felt so good.

Etymology: LOLL: to lie or to stand in a lazy, relaxed way WATERLOGGED: so full of water that it cannot hold any more

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: kat a rekt

Sentence: The cataract left him catawrecked as he wobbled out of the bathroom, leaving a trail of flesh behind.

Etymology: cataract, wrecked


gruesome but funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-02-26: 10:31:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-02-26: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by splendiction. Thank you splendiction. ~ James

splendiction - 2009-02-26: 22:00:00
-you're welcome. This def. was dedicated to all those family members who deprive us of warm water!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-09-09: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by splendiction. Thank you splendiction. ~ James