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Verbotomist's Delight
This is a Darwinian greenhouse. To see the top verboticisms for each definition, visit the archives on the Verbotomy Blog.
DEFINITION: v. To simplify, dramatize and fictionalize scientific knowledge so that it appeals to a general audience. n. A scientific fact, which has been exaggerated and dumbed-down to make it more "interesting".
DEFINITION: n. Any highly-processed food or beverage in which the natural ingredients have been removed and replaced with artificial flavors and additives. v. To consume food products laced with synthetic sweeteners, imitation flavors, and other carcinogens.
DEFINITION: n. A person who insists that lower life forms (fish, clams, cephalopods, reptiles, or insects) can be affectionate pets and excellent watchdogs. v. To talk to an animal who can't possibly understand a single word you're saying.
DEFINITION: n. A bank which pays huge salaries to its executives who bet their customers' money on dumb investments, risky loans, and the inevitable government bail-out. v. To lend, spend, and mismanage a bank into bankruptcy.
DEFINITION: n. A cell phone which is used to keep grocery lists, find recipes, photograph food, set timers, convert measurements, and play the Macarena while you cook. v. To use your cell phone as a kitchen appliance.
DEFINITION: n. A person who wears way too much perfume or cologne. v. To reek of perfume or cologne so strongly that it literally makes other people sick.
DEFINITION: v. To tease, ridicule or twitter about someone who has made a fashion mistake. n. A materialistic twit who feels it's their duty to inform others when fashion standards have not been met.
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