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'Oh no! I hate it when my husband tries to dress me!'

DEFINITION: v., To carefully place a lid on a bottle, especially a salad dressing bottle, so that it appears closed and will not spill unless the bottle is moved or shaken. n., A bottle which has been prepared in such a manner.

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: howww growww smann

Sentence: Her frenzied shaking of the howgrossman bottle left thousand island dressing dressing the island in the kitchen

Etymology: how gross lloyd grossman sauce

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Lo-bottle-me

Sentence: When she shook the catsup bottle the lid flew off, catsup slattered her forehead giving her a frontal lobottlemee

Etymology: Lobotomy + bottle

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Created by: thegoatisbad

Pronunciation: ta-pel-gang-er



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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: CON-de-mark / tom-FOOD-er-ee

Sentence: Kevin was often the condimark of such tomfoodery as the loose salt shaker or the mustard in the ketchup bottle.

Etymology: condiment+mark (the target of malice) / tomfoolery + food.

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Created by: milorush

Pronunciation: (tr. v.) pěr'-rə-tôrk (n.) pěr'-rə-tôrk'-ər

Sentence: "Don't paratorque the ketchup before you put it in the fridge," shouted Mom. "Next time you do it you'll have to clean the entire kitchen!"

Etymology: Para- (false) + torque (to twist)

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Created by: Lidipop

Pronunciation: huv-er-kap-ed

Sentence: when she left the table, she secretly 'hovercaped' the bottle & "forgot" it behind for someone else to grab! :)


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Created by: leechdude

Pronunciation: cap-foon

Sentence: Susan put the glass ranch dressing in a capfoon way which resulted in having to call a maid.

Etymology: cap (lid), foon (just made it up)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: ka/puhngk/d

Sentence: Jeremy capunked three different people at dinner last night leaving ketchup, mustard and oil and vinegar on the walls, ceiling and floors, not to mention his victims.

Etymology: CAPUNKED - verb - from CAP (a close-fitting covering for a bottle, or jar) + PUNKED (to "get" someone in a practical joke; someone caught unaware in a practical joke)

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Created by: Lolagrrl

Pronunciation: hid + den + foll + ee + oh + ranch

Sentence: Shannon's supposedly clever hiddenfollyoranch ruined my shirt. The outcome pleased her greatly because she had attained her day's goal by noon... Yup. Nothing left for her to do but play computer solitaire.

Etymology: Hidden - to prevent the disclosure of + Folly - A lack of good sense + of + Ranch - The salad dressing


libertybelle terrific word! - libertybelle, 2007-10-23: 09:17:00

Haha! Thanks! :D - Lolagrrl, 2007-10-23: 09:32:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: condiment

Sentence: Doris's mother-in-law loved to poke around in the fridge whenever she came to visit. She would pull out all the sauce and dressings bottles, giving them a firm shake and peering at the use by dates before exclaiming loudly to embarrass Doris, when she found an old one. This time, Doris had a cunning plan to thwart the old biddy. Her fridge was now full of connedements - at the first shake, her mother-in-law was sure to get a face full of thousand island dressing, fish sauce or aioli.

Etymology: conned (subject to a confidence trick) + dement (to cause someone to lose their faculties) + condiment (accompaniments for your food)


Hey Petaj - welcome back!! Great word today - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-19: 09:25:00

Good one! - Mustang, 2008-09-19: 17:13:00

Welcome connedeplements on your word! - Nosila, 2008-09-19: 20:08:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-23: 02:57:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James

petaj petaj - 2007-10-23: 08:19:00
Definitely Krafty behaviour!

remistram - 2007-10-23: 09:52:00
I had to marry the loose lidder...I'm a shake first, tight lidder thus the birth of this definition.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-23: 10:19:00
Time to throttle the bottler? ~ James

galwaywegian - 2008-09-19: 06:29:00

galwaywegian - 2008-09-19: 06:30:00
very high standard so far today!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-18: 00:36:00
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James