Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v., To find a lost item immediately after purchasing a replacement. n., An item which is lost and cannot not be found unless a replacement is purchased.
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Created by: zavijava
Sentence: I couldn't find my cheese grater until after I'd gone to the mall for a shopstitute.
Etymology: Shop + substitute
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: səbstidoōd
Sentence: It wasn*t until she acquired a substidude that Wendy*s boyfriend started paying her much attention. Neither was all that bright. What she was left with was redumbdancy.
Etymology: substitute (a person or thing acting or serving in place of another) + dude (a man; a guy)
cute - Nosila, 2010-02-24: 22:07:00
Created by: milorush
Pronunciation: (n.) dŭm-ās'-ět'; (intr. v.) dŭm-ās'-ět
Sentence: Harlan's original pair of glasses proved to be a dumbasset after he noticed them on his night stand while he was wearing the new pair he had purchased for $400.
Etymology: dumb = (Conspicuously unintelligent)+ asset = (An item that is owned)
Created by: Kevcom
Pronunciation: kwaw-zee-shaw-pro-deuce
Sentence: Mr. Viola quasishoproduced the camera quick-release hat that he had lost then found shortly after returning from BestBuy.
Etymology: quasi (similar) + shop (to buy) + produce (to have)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: voo/doo/pli/keyt
Sentence: The evil spirits always conspire to voodooplicate the item I just purchased to replace the one I just lost and once again because of this mysterious voodooplication I seem to have two of everything I own.
Etymology: voodoo + duplicate
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: ree/place/men/tal/tele/path/ee
Sentence: I find that a surefire way to find a lost item is to use repalecementaltelepathy. Without fail, as soon as the replacement is in your hand, the location of the lost item will instantly be apparent.
Etymology: replacement + mental telepathy (paranormal communication)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: suk ses sor
Sentence: When George's wife, Gina, had disappeared on a flight to Australia 7 years ago, he had spent ages looking for her and grieving. When he was finally convinced she had perished in the plane crash, along with the other passengers, he started to move on with his life. He collected on her life insurance and fell in love with the pretty insurance lady, Alice. At their marriage ceremony, when the audience was asked who objected to their wedding, imagine his surprise when Gina turned up! Turns out she had spent those 7 years on an uncharted island. How was he going to explain he had spent most of the insurance money on his wedding to her sucksessor!
Etymology: Sucks (slang:something which makes you unhappy or which disappoints) & Successor (a thing or person that immediately replaces something or someone)
Very funny. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-26: 18:27:00
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: DOOP-el-gang-er / spare-en-DIP-it-ee
Sentence: Yasmine owned four dupelgangers of "Queen's Greatest Hits." Two had been returned by boyfriends who had taken her copies, one had been found in an old backpack and one was a cassette that mysteriously appeared in her car one afternoon. Her sparendipity for that particular item was unparalleled
Etymology: dupe (dupicate) + Doppelganger (an exact duplicate of a person) / spare + (ser)endipity (unexpected discovery)
Tip to Mustang for thinking like a true genious! I Spotted yours after I wrote this. - MrDave2176, 2007-10-29: 09:17:00
great word - Jabberwocky, 2007-10-29: 13:48:00
Great word and interesting etymology! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-29: 20:06:00
Created by: xirtam
Pronunciation: Rep-loh-keyt-ed
Sentence: I replocated my old chess set, in the closet under the stairs, after I bought a new one.
Etymology: Replace: Origin 1585–95; RE- + PLACE Located: Latin locāre
Verbotomy - 2007-10-29: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176! ~ James'
Verbotomy - 2010-02-24: 00:11:00
Today's definition was suggested by MrDave2176. Thank you MrDave2176. ~ James