Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v., To have the strength of character, persistence of heart, and dimness of wit to follow an unchanging course of action even when it is completely ineffective. n., A person who unhappily does the same thing over and over again.
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Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: soo per floo zee it tee
Sentence: She'd been in the Game for a while and had seen her fortunes take a tumble over the past few years. And yet, each evening she spent hours dolling herself up and putting on provocative clothes to go out and do her job. Twila had earned the nickname Twilight Twila from her co-workers, the cops and the johns she had known. She walked in the area known as the Strip and plied her trade. But for the last few years, business was not booming, if fact many nights none of her gentlemen friends came calling. Still, she got on her see-through blouses,her mini skirts and her war paint before she hit the streets. She walked and walked every night to no avail. The other girls got attention, but never her anymore. Twila was a superflooziety, an underemployed hooker. She was beginning to wonder if her age was a factor...maybe she should start living off those government pension cheques she had been getting in the mail lately. Afterall, she wasn't likely to get a gold watch for her 45 years in this business! And besides, they did not make support hose in a fishnet style...
Etymology: Superfluous (more than is needed, desired, or required) & Floozie (a prostitute who attracts customers by walking the streets)
Created by: Lidipop
Pronunciation: Dee-toe-lou-per
Sentence: what a dittolooper, doesn't she notice the line up behind her!!!
Etymology: ditto(same) + looper(tool that forms a loop) =dittolooper.
Created by: hiladizzle
Pronunciation: Pro-blu-seless
Sentence: Trying to use a broken phone is probluseless.
Etymology: Prolonged (to lengthen in duration) + Blue (holding or offering little hope; dismal; bleak) + Useless (without useful qualities; of no practical good)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: ri/duhn/duhns
Sentence: Jenny is a classic redundunce who needs to do things thirty, or forty times before she realizes they don't work.
Etymology: REDUNDUNCE - noun from REDUNDANT (unnecessary repetition) + DUNCE (dull-witted, stupid, or ignorant person)
Created by: MithrilShadow
Pronunciation: Pronounced phonetically
Sentence: The lady was insandant, she swiped her credit card through the machine for minutes even though it wasn't on.
Etymology: From the words "Insanity: something utterly foolish or unreasonable", "Insistence: continuing or inclined to persist in a course", and "Redundant: characterized by similarity or repetition"
Created by: Missnah
Pronunciation: Normally pronounced as stewp/tish/un, but the less common Stew/pa/tish/un is also heard.
Sentence: The stupetitious behaviour of the dog who kept trying to catch the cats through the closed window was hilarious for all those who were watching his numerous failed attempts.
Etymology: Stu- stems fro the word stupid, meaning idiotic. -petition comes from the word repitition meaning doing the same thing more than once
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: per-syst-en-AY-shush
Sentence: Ingrid is never willing to accept any kind of failure, even if all the evidence substantiates it as final and complete, and she is persistenacious to a ridiculous degree in retrying her efforts repeatedly, thinking that in time repetition will win out.
Etymology: Blend of persist and tenacious.
Great blend. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-23: 06:04:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: re doo do
Sentence: Renate kept blindly trying to get blood out of a stone...or in her case, money out of an empty account. She was a perfect speciman of a redodo. Keewp doing it over and over until you got what you wanted. Sure she had put money in there and sure she had debited her account at every store in town, but she seemed to think that it would automatically replace itself. This is how the redodo's became extinct!
Etymology: Redo (do over) & Dodo (extinct heavy flightless bird;dumb as a dodo bird)
Created by: brimuth
Pronunciation: boar - on - ist
Sentence: A compulsive boronist, James would stick at the same pointless task, despite knowing it was futile to comtinue.
Etymology: A boring person who honestly thinks his repeated actions will produce a desired result.
Verbotomy - 2007-10-24: 01:27:00
Today's definition was suggested by Osomatic. Thank you Osomatic! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-02-19: 00:19:00
Today's definition was suggested by Osomatic. Thank you Osomatic. ~ James