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DEFINITION: n. The unexpected moment of horror when you realize that you're sharing your bathroom shower with thousands of rapidly replicating fungi, commonly known as orange slime. v. To be colonized by orange slime.
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Created by: artr
Pronunciation: iˈpif-ə-muck
Sentence: Sally was going about her normal morning routine when she an epiphamuck moment. Perhaps it was the sip of coffee she gulped before she climbed into her shower or the boring line-up on TV the night before that precipitated a full night's sleep, she was actually awake this morning. She wondered why she would have bought an orange shower curtain that didn't go with the other accessories in the bathroom. It was only when she noticed that the orange didn't stop at the edge of the curtain that she had a major case of orange-slime heebie-jeebies.
Etymology: epiphany (a moment of sudden revelation or insight) + muck (dirt, rubbish, or waste matter)
I remember the heebie-jeebies. Where did the nitty-gritty come from? That's what I want to know. :) - metrohumanx, 2008-09-29: 17:07:00
Nice:in a grotesque way. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-30: 17:44:00
Created by: OZZIEBOB
Pronunciation: spoo-KOO-zee
Sentence: Whilst Roxie longed for the joy and comfort of the jacuzzi, her evening ritual quickly turned into a moment of spokoozy amidst a sporabora of orange, slimy fungi.
Etymology: Blend of SPOOK: To startle and cause nervous activity in; frighten: OOZE:(of moisture, liquid, etc.) to flow, percolate, or exude slowly, as through holes or small openings & JACUZZI: name of a whirlpool bath or a device that swirls water in a bath
on the same wavelength - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-29: 16:33:00
Good hybrid, O-bob. Thanks for using "whilst", too. It's sadly neglected in today's hectic world. - metrohumanx, 2008-09-29: 16:49:00
Spookoozy sounds like a great activity for a Halloween party! - Nosila, 2008-09-29: 19:54:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: jac/oozy
Sentence: Her bathtub which was had once been a place for quiet relaxation and meditation had been transformed into a jacoozie teaming with microscopic wildlife.
Etymology: jacuzzi + ooze
funny! - galwaywegian, 2007-10-31: 07:46:00
Or maybe, 'Jacooties'? - Tigger, 2007-11-06: 17:18:00
Created by: Kyoti
Pronunciation: Spore-o-MELT-down
Sentence: Stacy started the water, hung her robe on a hook, pulled the shower curtain aside to step into the tub, and let out a paint-peeling shriek when the shimmering pinkish ooze she discovered in there caused her to have a 4-alarm sporomeltdown.
Etymology: Spore: an organism that reproduces itself with wild abandon + Meltdown: to lose one's mind in a satisfyingly complete way.
VIVID imagery, Kyoti. - metrohumanx, 2008-09-30: 14:29:00
Created by: Koekbroer
Pronunciation: a-slime-ilation
Sentence: It was Borg-like; the way this fungus colonized Rachel's the shower curtain. "Eek", she screamed, "I'm being aslimilated!"
Etymology: amalgamation of the words "assimilation" and "slime"
Created by: Kevcom
Pronunciation: fung-ee-neh-shon
Sentence: An intense swarm of fungination grew on the walls, shower curtain, and faucets of my bathroom because I did not clean it since - well, lets see here - about 4 years - I was in China!
Etymology: fungi + nation (culture)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: scum/prised
Sentence: Jenny was totally scumprised when the fungi lifted her right out of the shower and closed the curtains behind her.
Etymology: SCUMPRISED verb from SCUM (a film, or layer of foul bacterial matter) + SURPRISED (a sudden feeling of wonder, or astonishment)
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: scum/prised
Sentence: I was totally scumprised when the fungi lifted me out of the shower and closed the curtains behind me.
Etymology: scum + surprised
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: spore-na-men-tal
Sentence: Lucy was pleased when her mother-in-law complimented the lovely spornamental in her bathroom until she realized that the old bat was talking about the slime on the shower curtain.
Etymology: spore: one cell reproductive body produced by nonflowering plants and fungi + ornamental: a plant that serves as ornamentation
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: ee kol ee nyzed
Sentence: Pathogenia thought she was alone in her abode. It was not until after she had had several showers in the less-than-new apartment that she felt crowded out. At first it was the odd spot or streak on the curtain or wall, but after a few days, she realized she was ecolinized by a different life form. Thank goodness for her new boyfriend, Mr. Klean. He came straight over after her panicky call and sprayed every inch of the bathroom with his essence. The orange blight was eliminated and she was once more alone in her apartment. At least until the mice, silverfish and cockroaches drop in for a visit...
Etymology: E-coli (Escherichia coli-Escherichia coli (abbreviated as E. coli) are a large and diverse group of bacteria) & Colonized (a settlement; those who settle in a new colony or move into new country; migrants)
perfick! - galwaywegian, 2010-02-26: 03:26:00
Verbotomy - 2007-10-31: 00:40:00
Today we have a special "scary" definition just for Halloween. It was suggested by purpleartichokes, who not only sent in a photo of bathroom suffering from such an infestation (It is not hers!), but who also offered to model for today's comic. Thank you purpleartichokes! ~ James
Verbotomy - 2007-10-31: 01:21:00
VERBOTOMY BLOG PARTY: November 1, 2007 is Verbotomy's first birthday! We are having a Blog Party to celebrate. Everybody is invited to the Verbotomy Blog to chat. All comments will be published as soon as you post them, so bring your favorite words and definitions and we'll chat. Go to Talk to you then! ~ James
purpleartichokes - 2007-10-31: 04:57:00
James - thanks for hiding my cellulite! And that shower curtain... sure glad it's not MINE!
Jabberwocky - 2007-10-31: 13:55:00
busted Purple - those signature artichokes are a dead giveaway
purpleartichokes - 2007-10-31: 14:37:00
Oh well... found out. And they do clash with the orange slime. Guess I should decorate in Tangerines.
iluvenglish - 2007-11-01: 05:30:00
its EXCELLENT.... keep it up, galwaywegian...
lumina - 2008-09-30: 05:10:00
Great word! FUNNY sentence!
Verbotomy - 2010-02-26: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by purpleartichokes. Thank you purpleartichokes. ~ James