Vote for the best verboticism.

'I can open this thing!'

DEFINITION: v., To strain with all your might in a desperate effort to open a sealed container, such as a jar of pickles. n., A small jar which cannot be opened.

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Created by: tumblebehr

Pronunciation: Strugg ner



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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: jahr-CHAH-chah

Sentence: Bob found himself totally in a jarchacha, when in front of Mrs Sanchez, who he wanted to emundorosape perfectly, even to her love of Latin-American dancing and body-building, he couldn't, despite straining every muscle, open a jar of gerkins.

Etymology: Blend of Jar & Cha-Cha


funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-09-26: 15:00:00


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Created by: milorush

Pronunciation: (tr. v.) tôrk'ē-māt

Sentence: Max torquemated the mason jar lid until his fingers bled and teeth cracked.

Etymology: From Torquemada (1420 – 1498, first Inquisitor General of Spain, as a homage to his torture techniques) + -ate (suffix = a stem on which a verb may be formed)

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Created by: looseball


Sentence: He looked so dang funny swartsnagering that jar of salsa.


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Created by: zavijava


Sentence: Larry sprained his wrist fracturning the jar, but the pickles were just fine.

Etymology: fracture-turn

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: rice pudding with a speech impediment rythe-pudding

Sentence: Yet again, Andy resorted to writhepudding to extract his dessert from the tin without a can opener. But it was a fruitless exercise. His strength was already depleted from the contortellini to obtain his first course.

Etymology: rice pudding + writhe

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: boch-al-iz-uh m

Sentence: Whenever Harry tries to display his machoism, like when asks him to open a jar of pickles, it quickly turns into a case of botchalism.

Etymology: botch (to spoil by poor work; bungle) + ism (a distinctive doctrine, theory, system, or practice) play on botulism

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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: CON-voh-lid

Sentence: Mack convolidded his body until he heard the popping release. But examining the pickles he discovered that the noise had come from his elbow.

Etymology: Convo(lute) + lid

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: järzilə

Sentence: John is often called upon to do battle with jarzilla. His manhood is truly challenged when he can’t get a simple pickle jar open. The insult is even worse when his petite wife opens one with ease. He always claims he had it 90% open when she got it.

Etymology: jar (a wide-mouthed, cylindrical container made of glass or pottery, esp. one used for storing food.) + Godzilla (prehistoric monster featured in a series of Japanese films from 1955)

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Created by: bzav1

Pronunciation: o - pan - yer - izm

Sentence: John felt screwzy after nearly having an openeurism trying to get a pickle for Maggie. Several minutes gherkinating on that jar had left him exhausted.

Etymology: open + aneurism, screwzy - woozy from trying to unscrew something, gherkinating - the action of twisting the lid off certain types of pickle jars.


I preferred gherkinating, butn you get my vote. - galwaywegian, 2007-10-30: 08:15:00

libertybelle Ha ha ha!! Great word!! - libertybelle, 2007-10-30: 10:27:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-30: 04:21:00
Today's definition was suggested by Clayton. Thank you Clayton! ~ James'

petaj petaj - 2007-10-30: 09:11:00
That guy in the cartoon ought to have some droolpickles with all that effort.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-30: 11:38:00
Hey Petaj, Good idea! I have added some Pavlovian droolpickles. (You may need to reload to see the updated image.) ~ James

Kevcom - 2007-10-30: 15:39:00
Print it out! Print it out! Soooo Good just like the last!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-31: 00:56:00
Thanks Kevcom! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-31: 01:21:00
VERBOTOMY BLOG PARTY: November 1, 2007 is Verbotomy's first birthday! We are having a Blog Party to celebrate. Everybody is invited to the Verbotomy Blog to chat. All comments will be published as soon as you post them, so bring your favorite words and definitions and we'll chat. Go to Talk to you then! ~ James

petaj petaj - 2007-10-31: 04:20:00
The droolpickles look great. He must have been salivating in anticipation.

November - 2008-09-30: 07:53:00
or Ajarafarce Where the ending is also the word *farce • noun 1 a comic dramatic work or genre using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including ludicrously improbable situations. 2 an absurd event.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-25: 00:02:00
Today's definition was suggested by Clayton. Thank you Clayton. ~ James