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Verbotomist's Delight
This is a Darwinian greenhouse. To see the top verboticisms for each definition, visit the archives on the Verbotomy Blog.
DEFINITION: v. To exclusively use credit cards, debit cards and/or electronic banking in order to avoid using, or even touching, old fashioned cash. n. A person who never pays for anything using real money.
DEFINITION: v. To expectorate unexpectedly, especially in situations where it is not considered socially acceptable. n. A person who habitually spits, even when among polite company.
DEFINITION: v. To ask a someone a bizarre question in order to get them to think outside their mental little boxes. (And to see if they are actually listening.) n. A creative provocation designed to pull people out of their daily stupor.
DEFINITION: v. To obsessively work on, shine and polish something which has no intrinsic value. n. A item which has lots of imagined shine in the eyes of the owner, but no real value for anyone else.
DEFINITION: n. A tool which has been re-purposed and is now being used (perhaps unsafely) to perform a completely different function. v. To use a tool for a different purpose than for which it was originally designed.
DEFINITION: n. A punishment which does not fit crime. v. To assign a punishment which is bizarrely inappropriate, and seems totally unrelated to the crime which has been committed.
DEFINITION: n. The unnameable fear which overcomes one when a large silent UFO cruises arrogantly overhead. v. To be frightened by the huge flying objects which exist (for the most part) in your imagination.
DEFINITION: v. To get freaked out by falling numbers and the prophets of doom who are eternally peddling their message of imminent global collapse. n. A type of mass hysteria created by the fear of falling numbers.
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