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'Excuse me, but are you giving us your full attention?'

DEFINITION: v. , To groom oneself in inappropriate places or at inappropriate times n., A person who practices personal hygiene in public places.

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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: scab/blew/shun/ist

Sentence: Scott was a diehard scablutionist who loved to pick his scabs in public.

Etymology: scab + ablution + exhibitionist

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Created by: zxvasdf

Pronunciation: Re pu groom nant

Sentence: Ted was notorious for his repugroomnant habits to an extent that the public would quickly congeal outside a radius that was particular to the day's specific offenses. When he takes his shoes off to trim his nails, the radius of empty space is especially large...

Etymology: Repugnant & groom

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: in-un-proh-preen

Sentence: While she ate her yogurt on the subway, and to her horror she heard the disturbing sound of "click, click" behind her. As her stomach flipped, she saw someone inappropreening behind her, she quickly covered her yogurt so the shards of toenails wouldn't contaminate it.

Etymology: inappropriate + preen


Love the word -- the sentence makes me nauseous. Great job!! - Tigger, 2007-12-07: 22:48:00

Great word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-12-09: 15:52:00

love the onomatopoeia of the p's in that word ... and you know what it means without looking it up! - silveryaspen, 2007-12-13: 15:00:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: PRIN-kuhm-poop

Sentence: Bob thought that he was "groomed-to-zoom", but too many "hairs in the butter" by Bob, a persistent prinkompoop, seemed more likely to lead to gloom.

Etymology: Blend of PRINK: to preen, to groom oneself, to smarten up oneself; NINCOMPOOP: one who acts foolishly - enough & esp not to know when & where to groom. HAIRS IN THE BUTTER (sl) a delicate situation. GROOMED TO ZOOM (sl): well dressed & preened.


great word - Jabberwocky, 2007-12-07: 13:59:00


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Created by: IllmaticKD

Pronunciation: Ex'hy'gene'ist

Sentence: The abhorrent display of Rodney's blatant exhigienist behavior was very unsettling, his bikini-line wasn't maintained very well.

Etymology: noun; the melding of the words exhibitionist and hygiene. Also see exhigienism.


Korinne Rodney!!! LOL. Good one! - Korinne, 2007-12-07: 23:34:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: preen/aw/ku/pyed

Sentence: Sally was so preenoccupied that she brought her whole makeup kit with her wherever she went. She sometimes used the reflection from a fellow passenger's glasses to adjust her lipstick.

Etymology: preen + preoccupied


Maybe Sally was lipstick, but not lippy! Very good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-12-09: 16:02:00

Right on ... from the way it pops off the tongue to the way it hits the brain - silveryaspen, 2007-12-13: 15:06:00


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Created by: psi4got


Sentence: Ellen was completely oblivious that her vanityflair caused others to stare in disgust and amazement. She simply assumed everyone loved looking at her when, in fact, they couldn't look away as she trimmed her toenails and plucked nose hairs regardless of social conventions.

Etymology: She's so vain. I'll bet she thinks this moment is about her.


good word - Nosila, 2010-03-30: 23:15:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: hor/i/jen/niks

Sentence: Unaware he was performing a series of horrigienics in front of the passengers on the south-bound 7:52 AM crowded Yonge Street subway train, Joe proceeded to remove his socks and shoes and clip his toe nails and finger nails, brush a layer of dandruff from his head to his lap, clean the wax out of both ears and snip a dozen, or so nose hairs in preparation for his 9:00 AM job interview downtown.

Etymology: HORRIGIENICS - noun - from HORRID (shockingly dreadful; abominable; extremely unpleasant, or disagreeable) + HYGIENICS (the practice and promotion of one's health)


Sounds like Joe was way overdue for some personal 'sanitation' - Mustang, 2008-10-31: 05:20:00

As my hug's brother, now about 48 used to say at age 5, "That's grossp." Yeah, with a P. *ha* - lumina, 2008-10-31: 13:12:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: pəbliflôsər

Sentence: Tim was almost invisible as he rode the bus, not because nobody noticed him but because nobody wanted to acknowledge a publiflosser. Ever since the dentist found his first cavity, he had become obsessed with his oral hygiene.

Etymology: public (open to or shared by all the people of an area) + Floss (clean between (one's teeth) with dental floss)

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: in-ap-pro-primp

Sentence: She thought he would be the perfect groom until he engaged in inapproprimp behavior at her parent's dinner table. He combed his hair, picked his teeth and dug wax out of his ears. Sensing their revulsion, she immediately called off the wedding and decided to look elsewhere for a mate. Although he acted heartbroken when she told him, he was delighted to see that his scheme worked. To celebrate his freedom, he took all his buddies down to the tavern where they could all be rude and inappropriate, and engage in regular guy behavior with impunity.

Etymology: inappropriate: improper, unsuitable or untimely + primp: dress or groom with meticulous attention to detail

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-12-07: 01:59:00
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie Thank you kabloozie ~ James

silveryaspen - 2007-12-07: 19:12:00
nice irony ... liked it a lot

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-12-08: 00:08:00
Thanks silveryaspen ~ James

Mindy1955 - 2007-12-08: 07:09:00

Mindy1955 - 2007-12-08: 07:10:00
Simple I like it.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-03-30: 00:02:00
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie. ~ James