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Verbotomist's Delight
This is a Darwinian greenhouse. To see the top verboticisms for each definition, visit the archives on the Verbotomy Blog.
DEFINITION: n. A person who is so enamored with their online identity that they believe that it is more real than their physical one. v. To suddenly realize that you are large, blubbery mammal with no useful superpowers.
DEFINITION: v. To leave a minute quantity of something in a bottle or container. n. A person who never finishes off the last bit of milk, mustard or whatever, because they want to leave the job of replacing it to someone else.
DEFINITION: n. A person who gets completely disoriented whenever they try to do more that one thing at a time. v. To make a big mess because you are trying to do too many things at once.
DEFINITION: v. To see beauty in the midst of a complete disaster. n. The ability to see beauty in the rainbow hues of a toxic oil spill, or in the remnants of a poster torn down long ago, or in the subtle cracks in the plaster of a cheap, cold-water flat.
DEFINITION: n. The emotional connection between a mother and her child, which continues on through life despite all the protestations. v. To be loved by your mother and even though you complain about it a lot.
DEFINITION: n. Something, or someone, that/who always seems to break or fall apart, just when you need it/them the most. v. To fall apart just when you need to get it together.
DEFINITION: n. A person who adopts the stylings, mannerisms and even of the personality of their favorite rock, movie or television star. v. To derive your identity from someone else, especially a famous person.
DEFINITION: n. A misheard or misunderstood lyric, which gives the song a completely different meaning than originally intended. v. To misinterpret a song because you "hear" different words than the ones actually being sung.
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