Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To return to the gym in order to get back in shape, only to over-do-it and injure yourself. n. An injury which is the result of an overly ambitious exercise program.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈdʒɪmˌdʒuɹ/ /JIMM-Joor/
Sentence: They told me to stay away from the free weights to avoid gymjury, but nobody warned me not to lean into the turns on the stationary bike.
Etymology: from gym + (in)jure
you must be feeling a bit ginger after that. - petaj, 2008-05-06: 03:38:00
gym gyminie, gym gyminie, gym gymjury (where's purple when you have an annoying song reference) - Jabberwocky, 2008-05-06: 12:27:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: were couch
Sentence: The annual january workouch proved as painful as always, the treadmill became a headmill, the bench press got a stranglehold which didn't release it's grip until he had peed on the pilates ball. The visit was followed by the annual visit to the chiropracter.
Etymology: workout, ouch
Ouch indeed! - TJayzz, 2008-05-06: 20:56:00
Good you think chiropractors own shares in gyms? mmmm - Nosila, 2008-05-06: 20:06:00
Excellent word! Simple yet versatile. - Tigger, 2008-05-07: 21:57:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: by/sep/ti/see/me/a
Sentence: I thought it was only a muscle tear but it turned into the dreaded bicepticemia which ended my fifteen minutes of gym fame.
Etymology: bicep + septicemia
nice one. ABSolutely, good word. - petaj, 2008-05-06: 06:36:00
imPECcable! - galwaywegian, 2008-05-06: 07:48:00
I think I'll muscle in on this one! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-06: 17:38:00
J - what sinew with you? good word - Nosila, 2008-05-07: 01:54:00
Created by: didsbury
Pronunciation: an-yoor-iss-ize
Sentence: I thought I could manage one more rep but I ended up anuericising myself in quite an inconvenient place.
Etymology: Derived and extended from the Latin 'anueri' which was used to described self-abuse in all its unpleasant forms.
Nice word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-06: 17:41:00
Created by: alicat
Pronunciation: Ex-er-dem-eyes
Sentence: Sue hadn't been to the gym in years but decided that it was time to jump back on that horse. She went to a spinning class, gave it her all, and left feeling like a new woman. When she woke up the next morning, however, she realized that she had reached her exerdemise.
Etymology: Exercise + demise
good one - Nosila, 2009-06-18: 20:54:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: ek/ses/ser/size
Sentence: In spring to rid of the winter lard, people tend to excessercise themselves into sore muscles, joints and injuries.
Etymology: excess + exercise
Great word! Perfect fit(ness) - pieceof314, 2008-05-06: 09:31:00
Very good. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-05-06: 17:41:00
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: strech/arms/st/rong
Sentence: Sam had a difficult time explaining why one of his arms was longer than the other after returning from his fabled lunchtime workouts. His only explanation was he stretcharmstwrong.
Etymology: stretch arms wrong + Stretch Armstrong
Created by: Ismelstar
Pronunciation: [pind] or [pwind]
Sentence: Determined to defeat his winter love handles, Mark finally returned to the gym only to be pwgymned by the chest press machine for five minutes, like a gnat under a toothpick, while he waited for a trainer to rescue him.
Etymology: A combination of 'gym', a building or room designed and equipped for indoor exercise, and 'pwned', a corruption of the word 'owned' denoting domination by an opponent or situation, especially by some god-like or computer-like force. The combination sounds like 'pinned', meaning to hold something fast in a spot or position.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: eksərsīatikə
Sentence: Joyce is not one to do things halfway. If there is something to do, she will do it twice or twice as hard. She loves her exercise classes, but often ends up injuring herself with her exuberance. Her knees, legs, neck, elbows or back take the brunt of Taebo, Pilates and Jazzercise. Her latest fixation, EuroBlastTraining (don't ask). Her latest ailment? Excersciatica!
Etymology: exercise (activity requiring physical effort, carried out esp. to sustain or improve health and fitness) + sciatica (pain affecting the back, hip, and outer side of the leg)
Great word. - mrskellyscl, 2009-06-18: 06:39:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: hurt ills
Sentence: Frankie's new fitness routine was self-designed and not well thought out. He tried to force ten years of inactivity into one afternoon at the gym to get in shape. Of course he instead caused himself a series of hurtills which required medical attention.
Etymology: Hurdles (to jump a barrier)& Hurt (injured;feel pain or be in pain ) & Ills (not in good physical or mental health)
Israfaceneeme - 2018-07-07: 19:07:00
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