Verboticism: Proflidate

'Check your lipstick Madge'

DEFINITION: n. A person who habitually looks for love in the all the wrong places and wonders why it always turns out wrong. v. To look for love in the wrong places.

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Created by: Nuwanda

Pronunciation: no-bliss-ro-MAN-tick

Sentence: Rj was a noblissromantic, always on the quest for that holy grail of perfect love and affection. Anything less that fell short of perfect bliss--and let's face it, all love falls short at one point or another--would send him off on another quest and leave a trail of heartbroken and confused victims in his wake.

Etymology: Alteration of hopeless romantic.


Nice play on 'noblesse oblige' also. Great create. - silveryaspen, 2009-02-11: 12:03:00


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Created by: splendiction

Pronunciation: luvprowler

Sentence: Mimi wiggled her pink nose. She immediately recognized Ted as the loveprowlerr he had become; he could only bear to skulk the outer regions of the woods in which bearly any of his kind still lived. Ted habitually came down and out onto the meadow every day, loveprowlerring for fearful creatures he mistakenly grew fond feelings for. Mimi trembled, keeping close to her log home, as she watched Ted tilt his head in earnest regard her. (Would she be his lover or his dinner?)!

Etymology: loveprowlerr n. From the words prowl, lover and err. It means one who prowls, instintively searches (not knowing why) for love but errs, make errors of judgement.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: mis-gahy-did

Sentence: Harry's search for amour is often missguided. He thought he had discovered a gold mine when he came across a neighborhood bar called the Velvet Boot that was frequented primarily by females. His flirtation always seems to be with Miss IDon'tThinkSo.

Etymology: miss (to fail to encounter, meet, catch) + Miss (a title of respect prefixed to the name of a unmarried woman) misguided (misled; mistaken)

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: Waylon Jennings

Sentence: After checking out the refuse collection station, the palliative care hostel and the bipolar support group for potential partners, Stephen finally joined Wailinjennings Anonymous, where ironically he met a sweet girl. They fell in love and were promptly kicked out because their change of demeanour was anathema to the other miserable members.

Etymology: Waylon Jennings - country singer who was "lookin for love in all the wrong places" + wailing (crying or singing plaintively)


Great song and verbotomy! You have a humringer here! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-11: 12:19:00


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Created by: idavecook

Pronunciation: WUh-KIN-PA-NUH-B

Sentence: "Wookin' pa nub in all da wong pwaces, wookinpanub..."

Etymology: Eddy, the brother of that guy on Chapelle's Show.


Sounds also like Buckwheat (Eddie Murphy) singing "Baby Nub" on the old Saturday Night Live Shows... - Nosila, 2009-02-14: 23:22:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: BLUN-der-lust

Sentence: Elsie once again found herself suffering the pangs of failed blunderlust, looking for love in all the wrong places and for all the wrong reasons, and feeling used, abused and definitely discarded....and of course, vowing once again to never go that route again.

Etymology: Blend of 'blunder' (v. to err) and 'lust' (sexual urges), and a play on the word 'wanderlust'...(a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: stok mar ket

Sentence: When Bessie and Clarabelle were looking for dates, they went to the local stalkmarket. It never worked as their chosen dates turned it into a night of whine and roses. Where could they find love that would allow them to live happily heifer after?

Etymology: Stalk (the act of following prey stealthily) & Stock Market(an exchange where security trading is conducted by professional stockbrokers) & Meat Market(not just an actual shop for selling meat, but slang for a bar where people pick up each other)

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: a/mour/id

Sentence: Joe's love life has become an amourid situation because he cruises all night diners and old age homes for "the one".

Etymology: AMOURID - from AMOUR (love, romance) + ARID (barren or unproductive)

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: lew - sur - chooz - ur

Sentence: Margie was starting to think of herself as a loserchooser. Over and over, she would have a magical evening where she thought she had met the person of her dreams. Pretty quickly she would realize that he was a total loser.

Etymology: Loser + Chooser >> Loser (One that is bad in quality) Chooser (picker: a person who chooses or selects out)


rolls right off the tongue, meaning apparent, memorable, might fine rhymetime verbotomy. - silveryaspen, 2009-02-11: 11:39:00

funny! - splendiction, 2009-02-11: 16:01:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: skôrnikāted

Sentence: After his blind date fell through — some lame excuse about a car accident and coma — Tim decided to see if he could get some action at the new bar in town. As he entered he thought to himself ”My lucky night. Must be lady’s night, the place is full of chicks”. As he made his way around the bar every eye seemed to follow him as well as a mood of disgust. Finally he left the Silver Beaver without scoring but feeling scornicated.

Etymology: scorn (feel or express contempt or derision for) + fornicate (sexual intercourse between non-married partners)


Silver Beaver...Dam! - Nosila, 2010-08-25: 22:08:00


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