Verboticism: Snacknick

'Omigod! One just bit me!'

DEFINITION: n., A cut, or puncture wound on the roof of the mouth inflicted while consuming dangerously crunchy-sharp foods, like potato chips. v., To cut the roof your mouth while eating extra crispy snack foods.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: injərdərētōs

Sentence: If I didn't know better i would think Matt was something of a masochist. Every time I see him he is munching on a bag of Injuritos. The full-size chips are bad enough but the shards in the bottom of the bag might as well be chunks of glass. The insidious part is that the company that makes these "shivs in a sack" has added an ingredient called nacho that numbs the palate so that the damage is hardly noticed.

Etymology: injured (harmed, damaged, or impaired) + Doritos (a popular brand of chips)


nice one! - galwaywegian, 2008-10-23: 10:04:00

fantastic - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-23: 10:51:00

metrohumanx Damned clever! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-23: 17:14:00

Splendido! - Nosila, 2008-10-23: 20:35:00


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Created by: MithrilShadow

Pronunciation: ˈchip-ˈpəŋk-chər

Sentence: Jane had a rather embarrassing visit to the emergency room, for a rather nasty chipunture wound in her pallet.

Etymology: Chip: a small thin slice of food. Puncture: a hole, wound, or perforation made by puncturing.

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: poh-tay-toh-clip

Sentence: My mouth had just recovered from a Fritolesion when I suffered a potatoclip. If I didn't stop being an ouchpotato, I'd continue to get these painful foodboos.

Etymology: potato chip, clip (gash)

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: snaknik

Sentence: The snacknick caused grazing while grazing

Etymology: snack, nick


snacktastic word - Nosila, 2010-03-22: 16:19:00


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Created by: rdococ

Pronunciation: mun-doh-puncture

Sentence: Alice had a severe case of mundopuncture after the chips she was eating turned out to be live sleeping lobsters painted yellow, that she just woke.

Etymology: German "mundo" for mouth + "puncture"

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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: chip/rip

Sentence: The tasty pleasure of eating sour cream and onion potato chips goes out the window when you painfully chiprip the roof of your mouth.

Etymology: CHIPRIP - verb - from CHIPS as in potato chips) + RIP (to cut, or tear apart in a rough, or vigorous manner)


Good one! - Mustang, 2008-10-23: 07:10:00

Been there, done that...good word! - Nosila, 2008-10-23: 20:34:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: per-for-ate-it

Sentence: Even though it hurt, Sue perforateit anyway. Just as with the tatoos and piercings she had, Sue found a sensual pleasure from the pain it inflicted. She loved the crunciness of the assalted glass chips and the sweetness of the Iscream with masochistic cherries. Her dentist, though, warned her to stay away from the attack food because it wasn't good for her teeth.

Etymology: perforated: to pierce or bore a hole in something + ate + it


artr Cute! Sometimes it\'s really a challenge when a word comes around for a second time. - artr, 2010-03-22: 07:16:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: chipəngkchər

Sentence: Sam loves his tortilla snacks. What he doesn*t love is when he chipunctures the roof of his mouth with these insidious little shards of corn. Not only do they chipuncture the flesh, they immediately inject salt into the wound.

Etymology: chip (a thin slice of food made crisp by being fried, baked, or dried and typically eaten as a snack) + puncture (a small hole in something such as the skin, caused by a sharp object)

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Created by: suzanne

Pronunciation: Tay-toes

Sentence: In her lust for salty favour she gave herself tayohs.

Etymology: Tayto- the most beloved brand of crispsin my native land. oh -expression of surprise/ pain

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Created by: glamgal23

Pronunciation: Shrillk-ed

Sentence: Sharp foods will shrillk your tounge.

Etymology: Shrill high pitched tone and shreik a utter cry. The things that happens when you get shrillked.

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