Verboticism: Gaffatwaphobia

'That cake is so dry it's completely indigestible!'

DEFINITION: n., The fear that your service representative will retaliate after you have complained. v., To be afraid of bad service because you complained about it.

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Created by: thegoatisbad

Pronunciation: Fal-out-be-ah

Sentence: Zinnia's diet had a few restrictions: "I can't eat oil, flour, meat or milk" she explained. Her tenancy to send back food that wasn't clearly a raw fruit or vegetable horrified Kimberly. "I would never send something back to the Kitchen. Do you know what goes on back there? Hatred, spit and vengeance." But Kimberly's warning meant nothing to Zinnia, "No phalloutbia is as strong as my desire to feel thin."

Etymology: fallout (effect, repercussion) + phobia (fear of)

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: gripe-SNIPE-air.....(can be pronounced with a mock French accent)

Sentence: Petula stopped at the local Serbo-Croatian restaurant on the way home from her assertiveness training seminar. The tripe was not up to snuff, and when the waiter brought her a flaccid eclair, she sent it back to the chef after browbeating the waiter who delivered it. As the minutes crawled ominously by, Petula was seized by a sudden GRIPESNIPERR....perhaps she was being too hard on the "Beav"- he was only waiting tables to pay off that AK-47 he brought from his homeland. An exorbitant tip might compensate for her hasty harangue, but by then it could be too late....Milosh might be a real GRIPESNIPER....err....."Czech, Please."

Etymology: GRIPE+SNIPE+ERR=GRIPESNIPERR...........GRIPE:to complain with grumbling;Middle English, from Old English grīpan; akin to Old High German grīfan to grasp, Lithuanian griebti.....SNIPE:shoot at exposed individuals from a usually concealed point of vantage.....ERR:to make a mistake,to violate an accepted standard of conduct, especially in an eatery of suspiciously vague ethnic origin; Middle English, from Anglo-French errer, from Latin errare to wander, err; akin to Old English ierre wandering, perverse, Gothic airzeis deceived.


metrohumanx Can't identify that snack? Lookee here: - metrohumanx, 2008-10-28: 01:47:00

metrohumanx Red meat is not bad for you. Now blue-green meat, that’s bad for you! ~Tommy Smothers - metrohumanx, 2008-10-28: 02:11:00

merde! she got away just in time - Jabberwocky, 2008-10-28: 12:59:00

Yes, Petula was just being Prague-matic! - Nosila, 2008-10-28: 13:59:00


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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: phlim-uh-fear

Sentence: Bratillda is overcome with a regretful feeling of phlegmafear when she complains about her food in a restaurant.

Etymology: Phlegm-Thick,mucus secreted by the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. (Yuk!) A fear-To be uneasy or apprehensive.

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Created by: attis


Sentence: After asking to speak to the manager, Helen was overcome with Disdress. After all, the call centre operator had her phone number!

Etymology: Distress/Redress


cute word - Nosila, 2008-10-28: 23:48:00

metrohumanx ...and clever:) - metrohumanx, 2008-10-29: 00:46:00


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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: dis-sat-is-frik-shern

Sentence: as he sent the salad back because it was to 'leafy', he started to feel an awkward pang of dissatisfriction

Etymology: diss, dissatisfaction, friction


I bet he'll get the seizure salad for returning it. - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-30: 10:14:00

or maybe a gob salad with blew cheese dressing - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-30: 15:04:00

And what was that floating in the turdle soup? - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-30: 18:07:00


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Created by: swallowedbyafish


Sentence: He was instantly filled with remorsel after realizing the waiter was about to go do unspeakable things to his food.

Etymology: remorse + morsel


swallowedbyafish oops didn't mean to steal somebody else's idea... sorry - swallowedbyafish, 2007-11-30: 22:53:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: wey/dress

Sentence: Whenever you complain and send back an item at a restaurant be prepared for the waitress to waitdress your food with a little spattle and snottle to make things just right for you.

Etymology: WAITDRESS - verb WAITRESS (a woman who waits on tables) + REDRESS (satisfaction for wrong; to set right; remedy, or repair)


metrohumanx Great word! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-28: 17:44:00


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Created by: Pancake

Pronunciation: spih-TANG-kst

Sentence: Tom felt a bit of spitangst after he had his burger returned to the kitchen.

Etymology: Spit (ejection of saliva from the mouth) + Angst (a feeling of dread). Origininating from an urban fear that employees preparing food in restaurants might spit on a customer's meal if the customer is being particularly demanding or picky.

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Created by: flyingheadlice

Pronunciation: way-tal-i-ah-FO-bee-ah

Sentence: Leonard has determined that Sheldon does not have waitaliaphobia, as he continuously offends Penny with no fear of repercussions.

Etymology: waiter retaliation phobia

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: trep-bich-day-shun

Sentence: Sue immediately felt trepbitchdation after complaining that her pea soup was cold... how would she ever find a booger in that sea of green?

Etymology: trepidation, bitch (complain)


should have gone for the crabby patties. Great word! - galwaywegian, 2007-11-30: 06:42:00

That might have led to crabotage. - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-30: 10:11:00


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