Verboticism: Blunderlust

'Check your lipstick Madge'

DEFINITION: n. A person who habitually looks for love in the all the wrong places and wonders why it always turns out wrong. v. To look for love in the wrong places.

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: Waylon Jennings

Sentence: After checking out the refuse collection station, the palliative care hostel and the bipolar support group for potential partners, Stephen finally joined Wailinjennings Anonymous, where ironically he met a sweet girl. They fell in love and were promptly kicked out because their change of demeanour was anathema to the other miserable members.

Etymology: Waylon Jennings - country singer who was "lookin for love in all the wrong places" + wailing (crying or singing plaintively)


Great song and verbotomy! You have a humringer here! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-11: 12:19:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: luv loynd

Sentence: Nothing was sadder than Elsie and Bessie,the Bovine Sisters, a pair of loveloined heifers. Their success at attracting true love was terribull...there had been no chance of oxtasy for them. They were always steered in the wrong direction and although they played the field, literally, they were never stampeded by suitors. They decided to join an on-loin dating service on their cowmputers. They only had one beef with this service, it was udderly impossibull to find a young stud who told the truth and did not shoot the bull. These mavericks were always born a "Taurus", owned their own spread and would love to be a fodder. Their names turned out not to be Angus or Delmonico, but Chuck or Stew. Any success the sisters had with this service was strictly oxcidental. When she herd what they had done, their mother had warned them that Internet dating always ended in steers.

Etymology: lovelorn (unhappy in love; suffering from unrequited love) & loin (a cut of meat taken from the side and back of an animal between the ribs and the rump)


Udderly Puntastic! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-11: 02:26:00

Gives a whole new meaning to beefcake! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-11: 11:37:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: mis-gahy-did

Sentence: Harry's search for amour is often missguided. He thought he had discovered a gold mine when he came across a neighborhood bar called the Velvet Boot that was frequented primarily by females. His flirtation always seems to be with Miss IDon'tThinkSo.

Etymology: miss (to fail to encounter, meet, catch) + Miss (a title of respect prefixed to the name of a unmarried woman) misguided (misled; mistaken)

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Created by: Negatrev

Pronunciation: Proff-lee-date

Sentence: Dave will never find love while he continues to be proflidate. Sharon realized that proflidating was getting her nowhere.

Etymology: From dating (To go on a date or dates with) and profligate (adj. unrestrained by convention or morality; "Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society"; "deplorably dissipated and degraded"; "riotous living"; "fast women") AND (noun. someone who dissipates resources self-indulgently or a wasteful person)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: para moo er

Sentence: Elsie was just in the mooed to find a new paramooer. So she went with her bff, Bessie to a meat know the kind of place we mean. Where the goods were well hung, the cowcktails affordabull and there was poll dancing. Their only prospects were a couple of shorthorns who were both Taurus and could be herd from far away. As usual the girls struck out, because the rodeo was in town and the beefcake drank elsewhere.

Etymology: Paramour (a woman's lover;a woman who cohabits with an important man) & Mooer (a cow, who moos)


brilliant! - galwaywegian, 2010-08-25: 04:28:00

I am glad it mooved you! - Nosila, 2010-08-26: 23:48:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: hef er aft er

Sentence: It was obvious that Madge and Dodie were heiferafter in their search for true love. They were steered in the direction of a meet market and met two young longhorns oxendentally,who were bovine, but uninterested in getting yoked.

Etymology: Heifer (young cow) & Everafter (from here to Eternity)

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Created by: kateinkorea

Pronunciation: HAL HOLE TROLE

Sentence: Ever since she and Hal broke up she's got that void to where else can you go to fill it other than the same kind of hellhole...Hal's favourite watering hole. When she gets that look in her eyes, you can tell she's doing the Halholetroll.

Etymology: HAL: a man's name HELLHOLE: terrible place WATERING HOLE: slang for drinking place TROLL: slang for looking for a member of the opposite sex by putting out bait and waiting for someone to show interest


Gives a whole new meaning to holesome! etymology fits 'wrong places' to a T! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-11: 11:31:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: row man ts ihk

Sentence: Henry o' Tosis was such a romanthick, he couldn't score at a wallpaperer's convention. His chat-up lines had filled many emergency rooms with suspected vomiting epidemics. His lack of success with the fairer sex was always a mystery and a torment to his mother, with whom he lived. She would often scold him angrily, while swiping wildly about the room with her white stick.

Etymology: romantic , thick as in stupid


poor Henry - Jabberwocky, 2009-02-11: 10:41:00

sticking in through romanthin and romanthick! Love the play on Henry for Hal O' Tosis. Kudos for being most crafty! - silveryaspen, 2009-02-11: 12:08:00

the wallpaper convention is certainly thick with sticky romance I bet! - mweinmann, 2009-02-12: 09:13:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: row man th ik

Sentence: his romanthick streak left him with a broken heart, two missing teeth and a black eye

Etymology: romantic, thick


desthpicable!love it - Nosila, 2010-08-25: 22:07:00


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Created by: hyperborean

Pronunciation: rome-ee-oh

Sentence: He was getting lots of action, but couldn't find a nice girl to settle down with him. Could it be he was a roameo? He still hoped to hear wedding bells when he took that thirteenth step at Sex Addicts Anonymous.

Etymology: Romeo (Shakespeare's doomed lover) + roam (to go from place to place without purpose or direction.)

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