Verboticism: Neglectaplant

'Don't leave me out here! I'm not dead yet!'

DEFINITION: v., To put an unwanted houseplant, especially a seasonal or gift plant like a Poinsettia or Easter Lily, outdoors in hopes that it will die. n., An unwanted houseplant which has been left to nature.

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Created by: Boomertoo


Sentence: The peak seasons for planthenasia are right after Christmas and Easter, when seasonal gifts are often cast out.


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Created by: StarLizard

Pronunciation: a-plan-don-ment

Sentence: Bruno, not being able to look at the plant shrivel and finally die due to the lack of watering, resorted to aplandonment, knowing full well that he would forget the hideous Christmas cactus his mother had given him out there on the balcony.

Etymology: Mix of plant and abandonment.

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Created by: xirtam

Pronunciation: vej-uh-sahyd

Sentence: Why did my sister give me a cactus for Christmas? She knows I have two dogs that get into everything. I’ll have to commit vegicide and put it outside for the rest of the winter. Then if she asks I can tell her it died.

Etymology: Vegetation: Latin vegetātiōn; Plant life. + Homicide: Latin homicīdium; A killing.


Just tell her it's cactus! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-14: 17:42:00


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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: in-PLAN-tih-syed

Sentence: The the rare variety of African violet that Alex had given his girlfriend was the victim of ruthless inplanticide.

Etymology: indoor + plant + infanticide (indicates helplessness)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: ass pid oss tra size

Sentence: Marvin's Mother-In-Law, Lily, finally went home after her 3 week visit. It was the longest 3 weeks of Marvin's life, as his Mother-in-law was only to eager to point out Marvin's short-comings in fixing up their new place. His wife, Fern, thought it was sweet that her mother had given them a lovely houseplant as a house-warming gift. The Aspidistra was attractive with healthy green foliage, but it constantly reminded Marvin of Lily, so he decided to aspidostracize it in the hopes it would die of neglect outside. It not only survived on the front porch, it thrived and luckily the climate was suitable for it year round. Pretty soon the entire front flower bed was populated with it's baby plants, which also flourished. But every time Marvin came near the plants, he felt they were watching him. They had pistils and they knew how to use them and they were planning to plant him outside soon, too.

Etymology: Aspidistra (evergreen perennial with large handsome basal leaves; grown primarily as a foliage houseplant...also known as Cast Iron Plant,Barroom Plant) & Ostracize (shun;banish;expel from a community or group)

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: bloom/in/gales

Sentence: Chris carefully positioned all his Christmas plants in the shelter of the taller conifers hoping that Darwin's theory would prove correct and they might survive. It wasn't enough though to protect them from the blizzard and gale force winds and the little plants cried out to him "Why do you love us only at Christmas? We're not bred to bloomingales.

Etymology: bloom + gales + bloomingdales


Bloomingales, a great place to - Mustang, 2008-10-13: 08:49:00

A plant is not just for christmas!! - TJayzz, 2008-10-13: 09:01:00


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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: meen-thum

Sentence: it was clear that the sad little pot plant was making her kitchen gloomy and it was time for her to exercise her meanthumb

Etymology: mean, green thumb


It just works. - dubld, 2007-11-14: 09:06:00

pot plants usually have the opposite effect - why didn't she just smoke it? - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-14: 10:21:00

i'm gunja pretend you didn't say that - rikboyee, 2007-11-14: 15:31:00

doobie doobie do - where's purple when you want to sing - you know youjuana - Jabberwocky, 2007-11-14: 16:25:00

Seems to mean it's all about meangreen! Nice word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-14: 17:16:00

Purple's been swamped at work, with no signs of letting up until after Jan 15. Poor Purple. Love your word Rik. - purpleartichokes, 2007-11-14: 18:25:00


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Created by: SpaceCadet

Pronunciation: fye'-toe-sighed

Sentence: "I can't believe you're up to your second phytocide in one year!" said Johnny to his wife as she placed the Poinsettia out on the glacial porch. "Well it's not my fault if they keep showing up unwanted," she replied non-chalantly, some would say psycho-phytopathically.

Etymology: 1. phyto-: relating to plants, from the Greek "phuton" (a plant) from "phuein" (come into being) 2. -cide: denoting an act of killing, from the Latin "-cida" from "caedere" (to kill)


Honestly, I can't believe this isn't in the dictionary already... - SpaceCadet, 2007-11-14: 12:08:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: leef owt syde

Sentence: Like clockwork, Flora's neighbours saw the same phenomena after each season...abandoned plants on her back porch. Poinsettia's after Christmas, Lillies after Easter, Mums after Thanksgiving, etc. Apparently ignorant on any kind of plant care knowledge,Flora would leafoutside any of these poor hothouse-raised, sensitive showy plants to fend for themselves. Inevitably, snow, frost, critters and lack of water sealed their fate. Those neighbours were very worried that one of these days, Flora might get pregnant and have a baby. If she ran true to form, they were afraid they might find the baby abandoned on the porch because he had outgrown the cute stage and was way too much work and bother. They speculated that if this was not the child's fate, he should be named "Leaf the Lucky"!

Etymology: Leaf (the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants) & Outside (Not inside, in the elements) & play on leave outside (abandon something to the Great Outdoors)

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Created by: lumina

Pronunciation: plant/hate/shun

Sentence: It was that time of year again. The tree was out in front of the house waiting for the garbage truck to take it to the "big forest in the sky." The trash bin was overflowing with Christmas wrappings and turkey bones. And up at the front door was the annual line of abandoned Poinsettas. Yes, they had "served their purpose" and now were nothing but planthateshuns. It's a sad life...

Etymology: plant + hate + shun


So sad... - Nosila, 2008-10-13: 20:16:00

Maybe we should start a floraphange for them?? - Nosila, 2008-10-13: 20:17:00

I's a short and sad life. Floraphanage? Great idea! I'd surely adopt! :) - lumina, 2008-10-13: 22:22:00

metrohumanx Hilarious, with a smattering of sad truth.....Oh, floraphanage- i just got it. :) - metrohumanx, 2008-10-14: 03:14:00


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