Verboticism: Blooprint

'Do you think I should stick to the plan?'

DEFINITION: v. To stick to your plan even though you've realized it's dumb. n. A stupid plan, especially if it's a career plan suggested by parents, teachers or guidance counselors who want you to be something that you're not.

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: PLAN-tahrk-ti-ka

Sentence: When his parents told him that they had secured for him a career in the cryogenic's industry, plantartica, and the feeling of being left out in the cold in a "dead-end" job, snap-froze ergoptimistic Bob unto his upwardly-mobile marrow.

Etymology: PLAN & ANTARCTICA: frozen, forsaken vocational void felt by those trapped by the doings of others, without any real plan of escape from undesired positions.


sounds like a Canadian winter - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-28: 15:41:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: kəri(ə)rdəm

Sentence: Cindy finished college and entered the world of careerdumb, taking a job that she doesn't like and isn't in her her field of study. To make matters worse her new coworkers resent that her dad pulled the strings that put her in a position she is barely qualified for. Managing a store that sells plush animals will do nothing to further her career as a veterinarian.

Etymology: career (an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life) + dom (suffix forming nouns: denoting a state or condition) + dumb (stupid)

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Created by: arrrteest

Pronunciation: moe-ment-dum

Sentence: Jillian had an epiphany about her present course of action, but her momentdumb prevented her from avoiding the train wreck that was approaching.

Etymology: momentum, an impelling force or strength + dumb, slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity


Best of the day! - Mustang, 2008-04-28: 21:22:00


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Created by: scissorlips

Pronunciation: UN-der-term-MINE-ing

Sentence: The way our country clings to foreign policy which is so clearly flawed with such resolution can only be considered undertermining.

Etymology: From undermine: (to lessen or deplete the strength of) + determined: (no hesitation or wavering)

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: sceem/may/neea/tik

Sentence: Being diagnosed with a chronic case of vertigo would have been enough to quash the hopes of most tightrope walkers but Tipsy was such a schemaniatic that she was determined to succeed.

Etymology: scheme (plan) + mania (obsession) + schematic + tic (behavioral quirk)

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Created by: hyperborean

Pronunciation: mask-kuh-reer-ing

Sentence: She wanted to be a scientist, but she was masqcareering as a carpenter because everyone in her family had been a carpenter going all the way back to Jesus.

Etymology: masquerading (pretending to be someone one is not) + career (a chosen profession)

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Created by: chingbangwa

Pronunciation: ree-yal-ee-see-dee-yot

Sentence: Adam was determined to jump from his roof into his car. He knew it was stupid but its what he always wanted to do. He knows hes being a realisidiot but he is going to do it anyway.

Etymology: Realise(Be fully aware or cognizant of) + idiot (A person of subnormal intelligence)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: nok u pay shun

Sentence: Contrary to what her family and guidance counsellors decided, Rosa kept her nose to the grindstone to avoid her planned knockupation as a Nobel-prize-winning writer. Yes, instead she was going to hone her skills and become a sharp-nosed reporter for the Daily PlanIt.

Etymology: Knock (find fault with;point out flaws;express criticism of) & Occupation (career; way of earning income)


mrskellyscl I guess work isn't what it's knocked up to be. - mrskellyscl, 2009-06-08: 10:30:00

mrskellyscl I guess work isn't what it's knocked up to be. - mrskellyscl, 2009-06-08: 15:49:00

Sounds like a relative of the school of hard knocks. Good word! - Mustang, 2009-06-08: 21:38:00


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Created by: pieceof314

Pronunciation: uh-ten-duns

Sentence: Looking back at Olivia's singlemindedness of attendunce to do stupid things even though she knew it would harm her in the end, led her psychiatrist to prescribe her medicine for OCD.

Etymology: attend + dunce

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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: dĭs-mĭsh'ən

Sentence: It had always been assumed that, as the eldest son, Iggy would go to law school, join his father's firm and eventually assume the reins as senior partner, but even though his real name was Pontious Albert Poppagopolus III, Iggy knew that, for him, the law school route was a dysmission.

Etymology: 'dys,' bad, as in dyspepsia, dysentery; mission, an assigned or self-imposed duty or task; calling; vocation.

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