Verboticism: Attendunts

'Can't you see I'm busy!'

DEFINITION: n. A cashier or customer service representative who is so busy chatting with their friends or coworkers that they ignore their customers. v. To be serviced by a very annoying customer service representative.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: at ten duns

Sentence: Jason was typical of the attendunts a retail store can afford, someone who spent his whole shift texting and phoning friends. Jason made people sorry they stopped by. When the CEO came on a Royal Visit, the whole entourage got busy and decorated the store. Except Jason, who told his immediate supervisor (who was 17) that he had to catch up on his filing. I smell an audit coming. Jason is now filing again...his unemployment papers.

Etymology: Attendant (cashier or clerk) & Dunts (To strike; give a blow to; knock) &dunce (stupid person)

Points: 767

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