The create-a-word game
DEFINITION: v. To pick up a piece of lint from the floor that your vacuum missed, and then drop it in front of the vacuum again, to give the vacuum another chance to suck it up. n. A piece of lint that a vacuum will not pick up.
Top verboticism of the day created by mweinmann
Pronunciation: ree - suk - l
Sentence: Gloria decided to resuckle the pieces of newspaper and lint that her gerbils had torn up. No matter how many times she kept sucking up the same debris, it kept coming back out for another round.
Etymology: recycle + suck
Created by: mweinmann.
More Top Verboticisms:
(Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Revacuee: /ree-vak-you-ee/ She would have been done vacuuming 10 minutes ago, but she got fuzztrated with a five-time revacuee. Etymology: re-vacuum, evacuee Created by: purpleartichokes.
excellent purple - I thought you'd go with another one of your wonderful verbots 'carpettunnelsyndrome' - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-04: 08:36:00
Wow, I don't even remember making that word. Guess I have forgotomy. - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-04: 10:59:00
Great word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-07: 05:04:00
Vaccillate: /vaks'-i-late/ Dylan Dyson, Danbarry Cinema employee, had a difficult time dealing with the dirt and debris on the theater's Dalton carpet. The lint in the lobby had latched on like a limpet to limestone. The threads in the theater had thoroughly thwarted him. In the vestibule the vexed vacuumer decided that hand-feeding the sweeper had lost all its charm, and somebody else could vaccillate all that lint. He assigned the task to a junior associate. Etymology: vacuum + vacillate Created by: Jamagra.
Succrelint: /Suck-ree-lint/ Dana was a neat-freak and couldn't stand her house-mate's cat leaving ginger hairs on the white carpet. She vacuumed and vacuumed but there'd always be one no matter how much she tried, so she bought a new uber-vaccum with industrial power. Now she wouldn't have to succrelint the carpet six times to satisfy her neurosis, in fact.. where was that cat? Etymology: Succulent - desert plant which sucks water and hold its efficiently, also used by indigenous peoples to suck water from. Suck - what vaccum cleaners do. Succor - assistance, as when you have to run the vacuum over twice.. Relent - give in, yield, get sucked in.. Lint - miscellaneous fluff that's always out of place. Sacrement - rite, ceremony or ritual which is repeated. Some people are quite ritualistic about their lint removal.. Sacrilegious - the disrespectful assault of cats with vacuum cleaners. Created by: dochanne.
To see more verboticisms for this definition go to: Let's try this again with extra suction.
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More Verboticisms! See the winning words for: Aaahhh! Stop the train!
Verbotomy - 2008-04-04: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by doseydotes. Thank you doseydotes. ~ James
stache - 2008-04-04: 06:52:00
stache - 2008-04-04: 07:08:00
(oops. it's early here.)
Jamagra - 2008-04-04: 08:22:00
I think this one was an actual Sniglet back in the day... can't remember the word, though. :)
Verbotomy - 2008-04-04: 11:06:00
Hey Jamagra, I think that sniglet was "carpetuation", which very good because it does seem to take long time to vacuum up a cat. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-05-25: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by doseydotes. Thank you doseydotes. ~ James