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'Let's try this again with extra suction.'

DEFINITION: v. To pick up a piece of lint from the floor that your vacuum missed, and then drop it in front of the vacuum again, to give the vacuum another chance to suck it up. n. A piece of lint that a vacuum will not pick up.

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: fluff/ur/hug/ur

Sentence: I gave up vacuuming and threw out all the carpets just to be free of the flufferhuggers. Now I have a warren of dust bunnies to contend with.

Etymology: fluff + hug + fluffernutter ( a peanut butter marshmallow combination)


Cute! - purpleartichokes, 2008-04-04: 06:41:00


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Created by: Softbagel14

Pronunciation: Re-suh-sert is the proper way, however Re-suh-kert is also acceptable

Sentence: Behind her old vaccum was a stubborn 'resucirt', sitting in the exact spot she had just cleaned. -ed can be added to the end of the word to form 'Resucirted'. Mary 'resucirted' the lint that would not pick up the first time.

Etymology: Re- meaning 'again' -suc- from the word 'suck' -irt from the word 'dirt'

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: lintzilə

Sentence: Linda knew she was in trouble when she first saw it lurking beneath the sofa. It had apparently resisted previous attempts at extracation. She wasn't sure even her new cyclone vacuum was any match for this dust bunny from Hades, this Lintzilla. She was right. The best she could accomplish was to get the vacuum to choke on a small snippet. To vanquish this villian she had to resort to the ultimate weapon, The Hand!

Etymology: lint (Fuzzy fluff that accumulates on various fabrics) + Godzilla (huge prehistoric monster featured in a series of Japanese films)

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: mag-NET-eh-lint

Sentence: Valerie loved her new carpeting but hated the way lint would often cling to the shag and defy even her most diligent efforts to vacuum it up and in a moment of angry frustration she labeld the offending fuzz balls as magnetalint for the way they seemed magnetically stuck to the carpet.

Etymology: Blend of magnet and lint

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: ee lek tro lax

Sentence: When Jane Edgar Hoover tried to clean the cat hair from her rugs, she found her vacuum cleaner became an Electrolax. That nice door-to-door salesman had showed her the tufts of cat hair he had collected with the machine he sold her. She just failed to notice by now that the ones he emptied from the demo machine were a black color...unlike her Ginger Tom, Marmalade's, natural fur colour.

Etymology: Electrolux (The Electrolux Group is a Swedish appliance maker, including vacuum cleaners) & Lax (tolerant or lenient)

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Created by: toy4769

Pronunciation: Vell-Cruzz (soft u sound)

Sentence: Regina tried and tried again to the get laundry room rug vacuumed clean, but the seemingly unrelentless velcuzz bits had her hand-pick it clean.

Etymology: Velcro - that amazing hook and latch technology that incorporates some extreme friction with some human engineering. + Fuzz - a synonym for lint that we find ourselves getting out of a dryer, of a chair, or even out of a belly button.


artr Not to be confused with velcrud which is even harder to get rid of. Nice word! - artr, 2009-05-26: 07:28:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: fluff-shuff-l

Sentence: Colette was a former dancer. She loved to put on 'The Hustle' while she vacuumed the floor, and jiggle around the lounge and breaking into a fluffshuffle when she found bits of obstilint.

Etymology: fluff (stuff to be vacuumed) + shuffle (moving backwards and forwards over a small distance)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: yoŏrēkəgen

Sentence: Milly is one to give everybody a second chance. This even applies to dust bunnies. If her sad old vacuum isn’t able to pick up a lump of dust, she has been known to give them the Eurekagain treatment, running over and over these fuzzy little critters usually with less-than-wonderful results. She may even get down on her hands and knees to break up dustballs to make them easier to deal with.

Etymology: eureka (A brand of vaccuum)(a cry of joy or satisfaction when one finds or discovers something) + again (another time; once more)

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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /ree-LIN-truh-doos/

Sentence: Wanda had run the vacuum cleaner back and forth over the same bit of blue fluff five times now, and she was beginning to get annoyed — both at the lint, for clinging so stubbornly, and at the vacuum, which kept failing to pick it up. For the third time, she bent down and plucked the lint from the carpet. Feeling a little sarcastic this time though, she showed the lint to the vacuum and relintroduced them, saying "Vacuum, meet lint; lint, meet vacuum." As she placed the lint in front of the vacuum, Wanda told it, "Mr. Vaccum's going to take you someplace where lots of other bits of fluff and lint hang out. You go with him, okay?" and tried it once more.

Etymology: Blend of: Reintroduce - to acquaint with, or bring into notice again (from Latin, re- "again" & intrōdūcere "to lead inside") + Lint - clinging bits of fiber and fluff; fuzz (from Middle French, linette "grain of flax")


didn't see this yesterday - great word - bookowl, 2008-04-05: 12:16:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Mag - NET - uh - lint

Sentence: Having made repeated passes with the vacuum over the ball of lint only to have it remain attached to the carpet as if by some unseen force, Genevieve gave it the title of magnetalint.

Etymology: Blend of magnetic and lint

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-04: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by doseydotes. Thank you doseydotes. ~ James

stache - 2008-04-04: 06:52:00

stache - 2008-04-04: 07:08:00
(oops. it's early here.)

Jamagra - 2008-04-04: 08:22:00
I think this one was an actual Sniglet back in the day... can't remember the word, though. :)

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-04: 11:06:00
Hey Jamagra, I think that sniglet was "carpetuation", which very good because it does seem to take long time to vacuum up a cat. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-25: 00:00:00
Today's definition was suggested by doseydotes. Thank you doseydotes. ~ James