The create-a-word game

DEFINITION: n., A type of guilt associated with a lapse in brand loyalty; especially when caught surreptitiously zipping the "wrong" coffee by your barista "friend". v. To secretly switch brands.
Top verboticism of the day created by ScrabbledEgg
Pronunciation: guhl-puh-bil-i-tee
Sentence: She was caught red-branded, scarfing down a Hershey's bar, instead of their beloved Toblerone. Unable to deny her gulpability, she insisted it was just a "one night brand" and begged his forgiveness for the brandgression (brand + transgression).
Etymology: gulp + culpability
Created by: ScrabbledEgg.
chockingly good! - galwaywegian, 2007-09-19: 05:58:00
Oh my! I didn't see this until after I had posted my entry. Great minds and all... - MrDave2176, 2007-09-19: 09:28:00
Chockful of such sweet trooth! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-09-19: 17:48:00
A word that's easy to swallow! - Scrumpy, 2007-09-19: 17:48:00
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Messpresso: /mess-presso/ Aria was so humiliated that she went ahead and banned herself from Le Cafe de Cafe. Having been spotted by "Lucky Pierre" the cafe's owner as she stood in line at Starbuck's...yeah, she was a real messpresso. She no longer felt worthy of his homemade croissants or his famous watered down Joe. Etymology: mess esspresso Created by: lumina.
Perkotraitor: /purk - ooo - tray - tore/ Honey felt like a peerkotraitor. Ben bought her a gift bag of Starbucks coffee but each morning, she brewed a fresh pot of Folgers and poured it in the "Starbucks" mug. She didn't know how to tell him that she liked cheap coffee better. Etymology: Perkolator - device used to brew coffee or a person who brews it + traitor - someone who is not loyal and betrays a cause or trust. Created by: mweinmann.
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Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James
love the etymology