Vote for the best verboticism.

'That can't be me. He doesn't have any muscles...'

DEFINITION: n. A person who is so enamored with their online identity that they believe that it is more real than their physical one. v. To suddenly realize that you are large, blubbery mammal with no useful superpowers.

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Created by: dochanne

Pronunciation: Flubb-err-gast

Sentence: Andrew staggered into the bathroom after thrashing that ugly Gnorm with his sixth-level paladin and was horrified to find a big bald fat man staring at him. "What the?" he gasped, his heart racing. The man gasped too and Andrew was suddenly flubbaghast to realise that man was himself. His fitted leathers and taught biceps were gone, as were his flowing mane of black hair, his majik sword and that 'strange aura of mystique' bestowed on him by the beautiful Sorceress of Tarneg. Before him stood a pasty white balding man in his thirties, obviously carrying more than twice the weight of his avatar and Andrew's wishteria simply could not reconcile the two. He gave in to his superfaction and switched the light off. Shadow-daemons beware! Andion the Brave is here and he's not happy..

Etymology: Flubber - blubbery, flubbery wobbly-ness; Also Flubber - confuse, fluster. Flub - make mistake or error; Aghast - horrified, shocked and appalled. As in being aghast on finding one's flubberiness and the flub of having missed it due to De Nial (and not de river). Also - Superfaction (Super + stupefaction) and Wishteria (Wish + hysteria)


Andrew was parIRLysed...Sorry! - dochanne, 2009-05-15: 04:13:00

good one - Jabberwocky, 2009-05-15: 10:29:00

Hate those trick mirrors! - Nosila, 2009-05-15: 17:48:00

Think I forgot to mention the obvious starting point of Flabbergast :) - dochanne, 2009-05-17: 23:39:00


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Created by: destroyer

Pronunciation: Snooz-o-fon

Sentence: He sleeps so much night and day, he is having a total snoozeothon.

Etymology: Snooze+marathon=snoozeothon

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Created by: philhealy

Pronunciation: Fal-si-fied

Sentence: Mac realized that his appearance was drastically falsifeyed from what he looked like online. He, in fact, did not have x-ray vision or abs of steel. He was of a rather embonpoint stature in real life.

Etymology: Falsif- From the word "falsified" -Eyed From the word "eye"

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Created by: Keeah




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Created by: dekra

Pronunciation: Flab-uh-tar

Sentence: After a grueling 12 hour session of WOW followed by an intense round of COD, John was amzed to find that neither his svelte Wood Elf or his jacked Marine were staring him back in the mirror. Instead it was only his flabatar, a real life version of his online personality. Hours of online taunting of 12 year old's did not grant John the rock-solid abs of his avatars.

Etymology: Flabby (Fat) + Avatar (Online version of one's self)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: soo per zee ro wor ship

Sentence: Time passed so quickly for Sheldon as he played his blasted online games. His life sped by and after time, he arrived at superzeroworship, instead of superheroworshhip. Old age and gravity had transformed him into Fatman, The Bulk, SuperPolident Man, SpiderveinMan, one of the Flab Four, the XLax-Men and Captain LostMarbles. Holy Cataracts, Fatman...Father Time is the Joker!

Etymology: SuperHero ( fictional character of unprecedented powers dedicated to acts of derring-do in the public interest) & Zero (nothing) & Worship (adore, admire, look up to...)


mrskellyscl LOL! - mrskellyscl, 2009-05-15: 01:40:00

Nosila, you are hilarious! LOL! :) - abrakadeborah, 2009-05-15: 01:44:00


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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: vir-tu-am-knee-ze-yal

Sentence: Vince spent so much time in his Second Life that he was virtuamnesial. After a good look in the mirror one morning, he realized to his horror that he was still in his first life and that he had forgotten to go to work and pay his rent. Homeless and penniless, he took his laptop to Starbucks and returned to his virtual kingdom that didn't suck.

Etymology: Virtual: 1) existing in essence or effect, but not appearance or form, 2) being actually such in almost every respect--such as a virtual wreck 3) a computer generated simulation + amnesia: a partial or total loss of memory, usually resulting from a shock, psycological disturbance or brain injury. "Second Life" -- a virtual world that people can create where they can live vicariously as the person they wish they really would be.

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: deh/luze/shun/al/an

Sentence: Delusionallan was so caught up in his alterego's ability to be invisible that he was shocked when someone yelled at him for being in the women's shower room.

Etymology: delusional + allan

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Created by: balku4

Pronunciation: thu-bowlg

Sentence: i dheboleded.

Etymology: dxblibgaej

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Created by: meveh




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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-15: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by abrakadeborah Thank you abrakadeborah~ James

abrakadeborah - 2009-05-15: 00:53:00
You're most welcome James ~ Funny cartoon :) LOL!

dochanne - 2009-05-15: 04:22:00
We need a word for this phenomenon, it's getting more common.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-15: 05:05:00
After a full winter of verbotomizing, I looked in the mirror and... Thank you! ~ James

dochanne - 2009-05-18: 03:22:00
Lost your majik sword James?

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-18: 11:22:00
I didn't lose it, I'm still holding it. I just can't see it... James?

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-11-26: 00:15:00
Today's definition was suggested by abrakadeborah. Thank you abrakadeborah. ~ James

abrakadeborah - 2010-11-28: 11:05:00
Thanks James ~ I really enjoy this site. :) Happy Holidays~