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DEFINITION: n. The unnameable fear which overcomes one when a large silent UFO cruises arrogantly overhead. v. To be frightened by the huge flying objects which exist (for the most part) in your imagination.
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Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: hye steer eee aa
Sentence: her highsteria was probably due to something lower down, such as the grass on which she had been picnicking
Etymology: hysteria high
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: as tral fo beeya
Sentence: Stella had but one fear to live with...astralphobia. She was convinced that aliens were invading our planet and that one by one from stars and moons and planets and galaxies, extra-terrestrials were planning an invasion of our world. This fear may in part have been fuelled by films like Independence Day, Invasion of the Body Snatchers and E.T. In fact, she was sure that some space travellers were already amoung us. How else could you explain Donald Trump's Hair or Paris Hilton? She had heard that some were coming here to procreate with humans to help infiltrate our society. She decided that she would never join an on-line dating service just in case. It would be just her luck to meet someone from Uranus or other disgusting places!
Etymology: astral (to do with the stars or heavens) & phobia ( fear of...)
Stella !!! Hahahaha. Where DO you get your ideas? - metrohumanx, 2009-03-05: 12:56:00
That great unconquered inner space (between my ears) Cheers. P.S. Her last name is Virgin. - Nosila, 2009-03-05: 20:33:00
Stella's a great name for such a person - I must go change my sentence now! I used that name too! -awesome word! - splendiction, 2009-03-05: 21:11:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: ? - well it is unnameable
Sentence: Timidia let out a series of grunts and groans, but could not spit out even a single word. She just looked up at the sky, as though there was something hovering there, exhibiting all the signs eh.
Etymology: An expression used when one is speechless, possibly due to being frightened out of one's wits
are you suggesting there is a link between canada and ufos? :) - galwaywegian, 2009-03-05: 08:42:00
is there a link between Irish people and ouchpotatoes? - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-05: 12:37:00
Quite jolly! - metrohumanx, 2009-03-05: 12:39:00
Eh! Oh! Eh! Oh! It's a great exclamation ... no matter where you go ... even if it is by UFO! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-05: 14:56:00
I like the sound of a good Eh! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-05: 15:20:00
You get an "EH-PLUS" for this one! - metrohumanx, 2009-03-06: 13:40:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: sos er fobe eeya
Sentence: When Susan was outside, she often experienced saucerphobia, that fear of alien invasion that could be disguised as a dark cloud. She also experienced plateophobia when watching baseball and cupophobia when trying on new bras...
Etymology: Saucer (UFO;Flying Saucer) & Phobia (fear of...)
Created by: rombus
Pronunciation: skare + born
Sentence: Todd felt scaireborne by all that he imagined to be airborne.
Etymology: scare and airborne -- scare means to cause fear and airborne -- caused to be moved through the air.
hehe - galwaywegian, 2009-03-05: 08:42:00
funny - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-05: 12:33:00
Off we grow...into the wild blue yonder.... - metrohumanx, 2009-03-05: 12:37:00
very appealing - silveryaspen, 2009-03-05: 15:14:00
Todd, be afraid, be very afraid... - Nosila, 2009-03-05: 20:28:00
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: u f o fright ing
Sentence: The most recent of Lunar’s ufofrightings came at the time she was searching through a particularly tangled shrub in her garden for what, we can only imagine. Lunar knew there was something lurking in that gaudy intertwine of Hydrangea/Lilac: she could sense a presence waiting to lunge! She pressed her lips together. Her piercing gaze into the shrub was easily interrupted by, high in the distant sky, a luminescent puck, a ufofrighting! It immediately removed her from her paranoidormal search into the greenery. Lunar tore quickly into her tiny kitchen, double-locked the door, pressed her lips together and fixed a piercing ghaze up into the sky...
Etymology: from ufo sighting and fright - to fear the appearance of an unidentified flying object
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: ewe efff owe beeee ah
Sentence: Her mother could never understand how her ufobia, prevelant since that summer night in the cornfield at the age of four, never seemed to stop her dating the most extraterrestrial looking dorks and wierdos. Sometimes Mindy worried her deeply.
Etymology: UFO phobia
Great! - kateinkorea, 2009-03-05: 09:26:00
on a roll - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-05: 12:34:00
Cleverly arcane reference! - metrohumanx, 2009-03-05: 12:40:00
Out of this world! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-05: 15:15:00
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: ale + ee + en + si + ko + sis
Sentence: Drew was diagnosed with a severe case of alienspsychosis after he came home complaining about the space creatures who landed in front of his car and made him board their ship. Ever since then, he is terrified to be outside with the night sky and a million stars twinkling above because in that endless surface against which all aerial objects are seen from the earth he sees large silent UFOs cruising overhead...
Etymology: Aliens and Psychosis >> aliens (extraterrestrial being: a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere) psychosis (any severe mental disorder in which contact with reality is lost or highly distorted )
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: In-vis-a-bli-tay-shuns
Sentence: Carla was quite the strange one. She often times would speak of "invisablitations" of seeing her cat fly at night and apparitions of things flying around during the day. Nobody ever believed her as she was constantly dodging invisible objects and swatting into thin air at objects nobody else could see. She would scream out loud for no apparent reason...No wonder she thought her cat could fly as it would often leap across the room! Poor Tomcat was constantly startled by Carla's "invisablitationous" outbursts that he was leaping from place to place to get away from her. Carla's best friend Harry often stood in calmness as he watched her scream and swat at invisible objects.
Etymology: Invisible & abilities in action; to flail arms,snort,scream and act out at unknown objects flying around.
Created by: readerwriter
Pronunciation: doomz-dayz
Sentence: It was 1971 and Inertia was too frightened to go out of doors. Doomzdaze, as well as the haze of smoke from a certain dried flower, hung over her like a cloud--a radioactive UFO-shaped cloud. Lately, even the indoors was terrifying. The Paul Klee prints on the walls were alive and talking to her. "Go to the desert," they said. "Wait for the flying saucers to pick you up." Oh, to have the strength to pack the dried apricots and brown rice in the van! Maybe the Ouija board was right: California is falling into the ocean!
Etymology: From DOOMSDAY, a Day of Judgement + DAZE, to stun, stupefy
nice! - galwaywegian, 2009-03-05: 08:41:00
Thanx...some dayz are certainly better than otherz! - readerwriter, 2009-03-05: 11:28:00
terrific word - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-05: 12:37:00
Hilarious! Makes me miss the festival in Mosport! - metrohumanx, 2009-03-05: 12:45:00
Verbotomy - 2009-03-05: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2010-09-16: 00:44:00
Today's definition was suggested by metrohumanx. Thank you metrohumanx. ~ James