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'Oops! I accidentally shredded my ex-boyfriend'

DEFINITION: v. To fret and worry after the accidental trashing of an important document, file or friend. n. The state of anxiety caused by an accidental deletion.

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Created by: Banky

Pronunciation: unn-rohn

Sentence: Rod, the Burger Time manager on-duty collected the driver's license, social security card, application, and insurance forms from his new employee, Tara, and headed for the grimy copy machine in the back office. A recently mopped floor yielded to his black Hush Puppies and Rod met floor with no pleasantries. The documents drifted atop the griddle, where they immediately vaporized as Rod watched from the floor, pale with unron shock.

Etymology: The opposite of Enron, a company which intentionally shredded scads of important documents in an attempt to avoid legal trouble.


Terrific analogy! Clever! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-05: 13:29:00


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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: fray/hem

Sentence: Frayhem ensued at the dry cleaners when the Armani suit got caught in the shredder.

Etymology: fray + mayhem + hem


It's always nice to see something a little bit different! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-05: 21:19:00


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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: ground - roos

Sentence: Heidi ran the accounting firm's chop shop. You had to be very nice to her, or she would use her shredder's axes, on more than the big cheeses' official litter! If you upset her, she'd zoom into your office, and run off with your account books, then feed them to her cutting-edge machinery! She'd deliver the groundrues to them, turning the once cocky accountants into cowering little groundruesters, as the IRS swooped down on them.

Etymology: Ground - past tense of grind, an action that chops things into small bits. Rue: to regret.

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Created by: Babbalabba

Pronunciation: sh-redd-x-eea

Sentence: At Little Hills Rehabilitation center, Linsday was overcoming a severe case of shreddexia, imiges of bloody chainsaws still populating her mind as she sobbed to her psychologist, "Why, why...I...was just cutting the hedges and I...I-", draped in misery.

Etymology: (None)

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Created by: kalisnowflake


Sentence: I was overwhelmed with ohcrappage when I closed my essay without saving.


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: dee/lee/jee/beez

Sentence: With one keystroke, Jenny realized that she had eliminated four hours work and a most important document. She was overtaken by the delebiejeebies characterized by uncontrollable shaking and sweating.

Etymology: dele (to delete)+ heebie-jeebies (a condition of extreme nervousness caused by fear, worry, strain)


Rhyming syllables , great choice of words, fun blending, not only is the meaning evident, but the feeling it brings! Great creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-05: 13:14:00


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Created by: calculon

Pronunciation: 'dest-ROO

Sentence: Phillipa destrued her gift receipt, upon noticing that her newly-purchased pom-pom tuque clashed with her leather jacket, her stiletto-heels, and her carefully-constructed self-image as a no-nonsense corporate attorney.

Etymology: From "Destroy" or "Destruction", it's sad but it's true, and "Rue" - to regret, or wish to undo.

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Created by: Biscotti

Pronunciation: freek-zhure

Sentence: I had a bad case of freakzure when I accidentally deleted that 20 page paper about nothing.

Etymology: freakout + seizure


Unique choice of words to blend. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-05: 13:18:00


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Created by: twocent

Pronunciation: sin-till-AH-tri-shun

Sentence: Upon pressing the delete key, Pam's eyes glazed with an uneasy scintillattrition.

Etymology: scintilla: a speck, shred or particle attrition: a wearing down or regret for sin arising from fear of retribution

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: VAY-pore-ryth-MEE-uh

Sentence: Mad Shirley experienced a mild attack of VAPORRYTHMIA after she impulsively killed her investment banker and left his atomized carcass in the woods, unburied. "Oh well!" she thought..."A buzzard's gotta eat...same as a worm." Now THAT'S executive compensation.

Etymology: VAPORize+arRYTHMIA=VAPORRYTHMIA........VAPORIZE:to cause to become dissipated or irrevocably and eternally destroyed by or as if by converting into vapor,to cause to become dissipated or damaged,( F.U.B.A.R.);Middle English vapour, from Anglo-French vapor, from Latin, steam, vapor.....ARRYTHMIA:an alteration in rhythm of the heartbeat either in time or force;New Latin, from Greek, lack of rhythm, from arrhythmos unrhythmical, from a- + rhythmos rhythm.


Awfully good...emphasis on the first word! - Nosila, 2008-12-30: 18:55:00

metrohumanx Awfully? - metrohumanx, 2008-12-31: 00:23:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-03-05: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by an anonymous donor. Thank you! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-05-14: 00:10:00
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James