Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. The inability to find, organize, or keep track of, simple physical objects. Often occurs when an individual has developed a search-engine dependency. v. To search for something that should be easy to find.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Sed8ed
Pronunciation: dis-com-boob-you-lated
Sentence: I get discomboobulated when I can't find my keys.
Created by: Alchemist
Pronunciation: goo-gull-FREE-nee-uh
Sentence: Jared is a total Googlephreniac. He has 578 online friends, 6 blogs, and can IM 24/7 but it took him 2 days to find his keys.
Etymology: Google + phrenia (mental disorder)
Good! Two days to find his keys... - wordmeister, 2007-01-05: 11:58:00
Thanks. I am confused. Why is "stormee" credited with my word? - Alchemist, 2007-01-05: 13:01:00
Hi Alchemist, If you submit a word that has already been created by another player, you can choose to join the first player and become a co-creator of the word. That is how stormee joined your team. I guess it's proof that great minds think alike! ~ James - Verbotomy, 2007-01-07: 09:12:00
Ahhh~ light bulb goes on. Thanks! - Alchemist, 2007-01-07: 22:42:00
Created by: bghicks
Pronunciation: dis-orga-jumble
Sentence: He was completely organized in the office, but at home everything he owned was disorgajumbled.
Etymology: disorga - from disorganized jumble - a big pile o' stuff
so true! - wordmeister, 2007-01-05: 11:30:00
Created by: troutmask
- troutmask, 2007-01-06: 20:45:00
Created by: seifip
Pronunciation: null oh nizy
Sentence: Doctor, I can't find my socks! I must have a nullonizy!!!
Etymology: null + izy
Created by: ahwinters
Pronunciation: gewg-lamb-knee-ja
Sentence: Chuck's googlamnesia prevented him from finding his favorite pink socks.
Etymology: google + amnesia
Even after a cup of coffee, Chuck's googlamnesia prevented him from finding where he put his purple socks. - ahwinters, 2007-01-05: 10:56:00
Created by: chris
Pronunciation: ab-sent-fine-did-ness
Sentence: Tristram's absentfindedness was steadily getting worse...he couldn't even find the note he'd written that told him where he'd left his glasses.
Etymology: absent + find (and echo of absent-minded)
Good word chris! - wordmeister, 2007-01-06: 11:41:00
Created by: xshadowswimmer08x
Pronunciation: Yah-Hoo-Gen-Itis
Sentence: He could even match his socks because of his yahooginitis
Etymology: Yahoo/Engine/itis
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: loss - kate - ed
Sentence: Brenda often lostcated simple things; like the glasses that were perched right on her head or her car keys that always disappeared inside her purse.
Etymology: lost, located
I get it, she couldn't see her glasses cause they were on her nose. That never happens to me... - jrogan, 2009-08-11: 08:55:00
Been there, done that, just cannot remember when... - Nosila, 2009-08-11: 12:21:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: lie-brair-ea-NEM-a-sis
Sentence: Since the advent of the world wide web, Alice, the librarian, had given up cataloging the contents of her house. She was afflicted with a malaise known as librarianemesis.
Etymology: librarian (traditional stereotype includes being inordinately organised) + nemesis ("the bane of my life")