Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To make the same mistake over and over again even though you know it's stupid. n. A compulsively repeated mistake.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: doh! + bull + take
Sentence: She flung a plate at him which shattered, but it missed so she was angry enough for a dohbletake and threw another.
Etymology: Doh!
Created by: s6guy72
Pronunciation: dum-bass-tro-fe
Sentence: Johnny had a dumbasstrophy when he got crabs from the same girl twice.
Etymology: dumbass- english for dumbass, and trophy from catastrophy for a bad event.
Hee...that was a little "nasterous" but still funny AND great word! - lumina, 2008-07-30: 16:55:00
If you get caught by the crabs twice, you deserve to die. - metrohumanx, 2008-07-30: 17:19:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: blun der lust
Sentence: After one beer, Joey was programmed for blunderlust...he'd make the mistake of ordering one after another until he'd found yonderlust. His errors were costly, causing him squanderlust. And the next day he felt wonderlust at why his head pounded like thunderlust.
Etymology: Blunder (error, mistake) & Wanderlust (strong or irrestible impulse or urge)
Created by: weareallbeautiful
Pronunciation: ih-dee-aw-m-ih-tay-k
Sentence: Wayne asked himself "Why do I keep doing these things?" right before he made yet another idiomitake by walking into the polished glass door.
Etymology: idiotic+mistake
Created by: Mrgoodtimes
Pronunciation: Dum - pt - shon
Sentence: Tyree demonstrated his never ending dumption by going to the frig for the 8th time this week, hoping that beer would magically appear.
Etymology: Dumb - Gumption (common sense for dummies)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: R-B-I
Sentence: Eee by gum, ar Donny's a dolt. Thar ee sits sticking bandaids on his hairy knees. Ee knows it's gonna sting like blazes when he pulls em off, but he keeps on doin it. ee must ave arrbeeaye.
Etymology: RSI (repetitive strain injury) + B is for brain
forgot to weave in "repetitive brain injury", but I'm sure verbotomists are too clever to have arrbeeaye and would have figured it out anyway. - petaj, 2007-06-07: 03:32:00
I somehow assumed the etymology would include something about overeating Arby's and paying for it later. God knows it's impossible not to. - jadenguy, 2007-06-07: 09:11:00
This evokes images of Long John Silver - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-07: 13:37:00
I'm afraid it's baseball season and I only saw "runs batted in". - mplsbohemian, 2007-06-07: 15:18:00
Never heard of Arby's. Sounds like some undesirable franchise we don't need in Australia. - petaj, 2007-06-07: 22:28:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: blun der as sunder
Sentence: Folly Walnuts was one of the more minor members of the "The Crew". Although his heart and loyalty were in the right places, his brain & judgement had always been away on vacation. When the Mob Boss ordered Folly to off the Secretary of State for his views on organized crime, Folly as per usual misread his instruictions and instead whacked a secretary oft late, which was Miss Tardy A. Lot, who happened to work for Homeland Security. Not only was it a blunderasunder on Folly's part, but he is now enjoying the sunshine and exercise of a Cuban vacation in Gitmo...permanently!
Etymology: Blunder (error;mistake;an embarrassing mistake; make one's way clumsily or blindly; commit a faux pas or a fault or make a serious mistake) & Asunder (all over the place; into bits & pieces; everywhere)
Created by: aussieleebee
Pronunciation: Dub-yuh-fy
Etymology: From the mishaps of president George "W" Bush.
Right ON! - metrohumanx, 2008-07-30: 17:25:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: stu-pid-ti-tion
Sentence: The boys at We Tappa Kegga fraternity house practiced stupidtition when it came to partying and had the motto of "Stupid is as stupid does." They proudly boasted of being the biggest party frat on campus and were completely unconcerned that they never went to class or opened their books. Since they spent all their time killing off their brain cells with beer parties, they were the only students to leave school dumber than when they started.
Etymology: stupid: tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes + repetitition: repeating "Stupid is as stupid does" is a line from the movie Forrest Gump.
Verbotomy - 2007-06-07: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by jadenguy. Thank you jadenguy! ~ James
jadenguy - 2007-06-07: 08:49:00
I only made the word because I really wanted a word to use to describe this. In hindsight, I probably should have also tried to come up with one... This wont' be the last time that happens.
evan - 2008-07-30: 11:59:00
Uh, wouldn't this qualify as 'Addiction?'
Verbotomy - 2009-12-31: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by jadenguy. Thank you jadenguy. ~ James
libertybelle - 2011-05-11: 10:39:00
no word right now - but the drawing cracked me up again!!