Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A self-image disorder characterized by an inability look at, share, or even recognize pictures of yourself, unless they have been photoshopped to perfection. v. To fall in love with a photoshopped image yourself.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: rookiebot
You get more points automatically if you fill out the pronunciation, sentence, and etymology. Besides, people are more likely to vote for your word if it's got some backing creativity. - ErWenn, 2007-06-06: 01:01:00
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: Flim-flam-im-age
Sentence: Redandra hated her face so much that she often posted a flimflamimage of herself to others online.
Etymology: Flimflam - Nonsense; humbug. Image - A representation or likeness of a person or thing, esp in sculpture or photograph.
Created by: jadenguy
Pronunciation: trans NAR sis ism
Sentence: "Didn't you ever notice the black frame?" he said to me with equal parts disdain and bewilderment, "Her transnarcissism has been so severe that she carries that tablet everywhere. Didn't you notice she's wearing a graduation hat everywhere we go? We have to find Heilman, before it's too late!"
Etymology: Transcend + Narcissism.
i don't think i really got what i wanted out of this word, but reversedoriangreyism was way too hard to work out well as one word. - jadenguy, 2007-06-05: 09:20:00
Created by: Dustinisdean2007
Pronunciation: Ruh-bah-dick
Sentence: That lady is rabadic. She can't stand for anyone to see unphotoshopped pictures of her.
Etymology: Raba (Crazy, rabid, nervous), Dic (something-like).
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: pix/os/is
Sentence: Her psychiatrist's treatment of pixosis was to get her, over time, to use older and older versions of Photoshop until she weaned herself of the program.
Etymology: pixel + osis (disorder, or abnormal state)
Created by: Alicia
Pronunciation: perth/make/ly
Sentence: as brenda sat looking at the picture of her on the screen, perfmakely started to kick in.
Etymology: from the words: perfect and make: she "make"s herself "perf"ect
Created by: hennifer
Pronunciation: phone y shopped
Sentence: The only way she thinks she is beutiful if she is so phonyshopped that she makes barbie look real
Etymology: phonyshopped: phony (fake) + photoshopped
I like this one.. easy to say. - serendipity9000, 2007-06-05: 16:24:00
nice one Jen, got my vote ;) - ziggy41, 2007-06-05: 21:32:00
Good word! - Stevenson0, 2007-06-05: 21:37:00
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: viz-ij-ex-ee-ah
Sentence: Ever since Carmel's really bad nose job, she's been suffering with a severe case of visagexia.
Etymology: visage + exia (like anorexia, without appetite, without a face)
Created by: kensiesfate
Pronunciation: ill-pho-ti-a
Sentence: She can't stand to look at herself, she has illphotia
Created by: weareallbeautiful
Pronunciation: s-eh-l-f-l-aw-f-o-bee-uh
Sentence: Alex screamed and curled up into a ball as he was unable to even look at the mirror due to his selflawphobia
Etymology: self+flaw+phobia
Verbotomy - 2007-06-05: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Lucyof2009. Thank you Lucyof2009! ~ James
ErWenn - 2007-06-05: 02:55:00
Excellent definition. I think that the one-word restriction should be eliminated in special cases, such as when the definition is for a medical disorder.
petaj - 2007-06-05: 05:08:00
That might work well for special theme weeks. Disease Week is an ideal candidate. Maybe there could be special challenges some times too, like having to write a limerick instead of just a sentence, or haiku.
Verbotomy - 2007-06-05: 06:54:00
Hey ErWenn and Petaj, Thanks for the creative ideas! And yes, I think it would be fun to change-up the rules. ErWenn, if you want to change your word into two-word verboticism, you can. Go to the edit/comment page for your word. You will see a link, in small gray type at the bottom of the page, which says "Oops, I want to change the spelling..." Click on this link, and then change your one-word answer into two words and submit. You will get a javascript alert, but the word will be saved. (This works in firefox...)
Verbotomy - 2007-06-05: 06:57:00
Hey Petaj, We are doing a theme-week on "office politics" next week! Can you think of any special challenges? ~ James
petaj - 2007-06-05: 08:24:00
Well, how about using the word in a sentence from the minutes of a meeting, or in the style of a policy or procedure document.
jadenguy - 2007-06-05: 12:25:00
Or make everybody put a cover letter on their TPS reports before submitting them.
purpleartichokes - 2007-06-05: 14:30:00
Make everyone sit through a performance review of their word.
Stevenson0 - 2007-06-05: 21:34:00
How about filing long range plans, having the boss to dinner(you're invited Mr. Verbotomy next weekend)and paying into the coffee and gift fund?!?!?
Verbotomy - 2010-01-01: 00:38:00
Today's definition was suggested by Lucyof2009. Thank you Lucyof2009. ~ James