Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A self-image disorder characterized by an inability look at, share, or even recognize pictures of yourself, unless they have been photoshopped to perfection. v. To fall in love with a photoshopped image yourself.
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Created by: metrohumanx
Sentence: Her severe case of perfecteditism resulted in many disappointing online dates.
Created by: metrohumanx
Sentence: Crusty yet benign, the elderly Dr Beddows explained it to me thus: We ALL exhibit, to one degree or another the self-delusional trait known as FALLACIOVISAGISM. To deny our quest for physical beauty and our desire to reclaim our youth would be to deny our very humanity.Ever since the advent of albumen-plate photography,vanity has encouraged mankind to re-touch ourselves in order to have our appearances correspond more closely with our own self-image. However, if left unchecked, this innate tendency can have undesirable, often tragic effects. Statisticians have attempted to link FALLACIOVISAGISM to the rising rate of "virtual" homicides brought on by the casual uploading of doctored portraits prevalent in the cyberdating arena. While the jury is still out on these claims, we should all be aware of the siren which lurks behind the laptop- FALLACIOVISAGISM ! Beware of "headshots"!
Etymology: FALLACIOus+VISAGE+ISM...fallacious:misleading or deceptive...visage:the face or facial expression...ism:condition resuling from an excess of something specified.
COMMENTS: - metrohumanx, 2008-07-31: 00:38:00
Enjoyable reading, as always. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-01: 03:20:00
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: slim-ma-ging
Sentence: Slimmaging lets everyone see the real me -- a svelte rock and roll diva who can still tear it up in a black leather jumpsuit. Pay no attention to the grandmother baking cookies in the kitchen singing nursery rhymes to a two year old, that's just some woman who lives in my house.
Etymology: slimming: to become or make slim; slender + imaging: the mind's eye; the ability to perform mental images
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: dop pel dij it eyze
Sentence: Dorothy liked to communicate with many on-line friends. She felt much safer and sexier by having her real photo go through a doppeldigitze process, so that she looked younger, fairer, thinner and more attractive and possibly even a richer persona. Of course, at this rate, she could never risk meeting these friends in person, lest they see they had been fooled. What she failed to understand was that they also doppeldigitized themselves, so that she could never recognize them from their photo-shopped images. Sadly, these were the most honest and real friends she had ever cultivated.
Etymology: Doppel (German for Double; a Doppelganger is someone's exact double, thought by many to be seen on a different parallel as an exact double or even an evil twin) & Digitize (put into digital form, as for use in a computer;to change into computer format)
Created by: shutz
Pronunciation: A-do-bil-lu-zion
Sentence: I got a real shock when we finally met face-to-face, as her adobillusion had always acted as a firewall between the two of us.
Etymology: From Adobe, makers of Photoshop, and illusion.
acrobatic! - galwaywegian, 2007-06-05: 07:57:00
Another good one and great sentence!! - Stevenson0, 2007-06-05: 21:45:00
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: pho-to-feel-ee-ya
Sentence: When Mike finally met his friend, he was surprised to see that the tall, young brunette he expected to see was actually a short eldrely woman that could pass for Sophia from the Golden Girls. When he asked her about the difference, he realized she was allficted with fauxtophilia as she was adamant those were recent pictues of her and thought he was crazy that he didn't think the pictures looked like her.
Etymology: faux (fake) + photo + suffix philia (enamorment)
Created by: Dustinisdean2007
Pronunciation: Ruh-bah-dick
Sentence: That lady is rabadic. She can't stand for anyone to see unphotoshopped pictures of her.
Etymology: Raba (Crazy, rabid, nervous), Dic (something-like).
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: foto/graft
Sentence: She had photograft disease which required a weekly graft of her sweet sixteen face implanted in her face
Etymology: graft + photo
Created by: Rhyme79
Pronunciation: fuh-lim-age
Sentence: I think you've got a case of flimmage going on there. That's a picture of you, only it doesn't show your freckles, your eyes aren't blue and there's no moustache.
Etymology: 'Flawless' and 'image' squeezed together, with an extra 'm' just for the hell of it!
Imagcular degeneration
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: im-adg-kew-lar-dee-jen-err-ay-shun or just prefix an i and throw a djz into macular degeneration
Sentence: Warren (of warrenbeauttyspot fame) was a long-time sufferer of imagculardegeneration. He had tried all sorts of treatments including enhanceme, beautiffication and realmedial imageplasty. But despite all of these efforts he continued to be shocked every morning by the stranger who inhabited his bathroom.
Etymology: macular degeneration (causes blindness) + immaculate (how a sufferer wishes to be seen) + image
Verbotomy - 2007-06-05: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Lucyof2009. Thank you Lucyof2009! ~ James
ErWenn - 2007-06-05: 02:55:00
Excellent definition. I think that the one-word restriction should be eliminated in special cases, such as when the definition is for a medical disorder.
petaj - 2007-06-05: 05:08:00
That might work well for special theme weeks. Disease Week is an ideal candidate. Maybe there could be special challenges some times too, like having to write a limerick instead of just a sentence, or haiku.
Verbotomy - 2007-06-05: 06:54:00
Hey ErWenn and Petaj, Thanks for the creative ideas! And yes, I think it would be fun to change-up the rules. ErWenn, if you want to change your word into two-word verboticism, you can. Go to the edit/comment page for your word. You will see a link, in small gray type at the bottom of the page, which says "Oops, I want to change the spelling..." Click on this link, and then change your one-word answer into two words and submit. You will get a javascript alert, but the word will be saved. (This works in firefox...)
Verbotomy - 2007-06-05: 06:57:00
Hey Petaj, We are doing a theme-week on "office politics" next week! Can you think of any special challenges? ~ James
petaj - 2007-06-05: 08:24:00
Well, how about using the word in a sentence from the minutes of a meeting, or in the style of a policy or procedure document.
jadenguy - 2007-06-05: 12:25:00
Or make everybody put a cover letter on their TPS reports before submitting them.
purpleartichokes - 2007-06-05: 14:30:00
Make everyone sit through a performance review of their word.
Stevenson0 - 2007-06-05: 21:34:00
How about filing long range plans, having the boss to dinner(you're invited Mr. Verbotomy next weekend)and paying into the coffee and gift fund?!?!?
Verbotomy - 2010-01-01: 00:38:00
Today's definition was suggested by Lucyof2009. Thank you Lucyof2009. ~ James