Vote for the best verboticism.

'I guess Bob isn't going to get his pension...'

DEFINITION: v. To expire, pass away or kick the bucket while at the office; often occurs when someone is overworked, underpaid, and desperately trying to hang on for a full pension. n. A person who has been suddenly, and permanently, terminated while a work.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: stif fer staf fer

Sentence: When Bob keeled over at his desk, while on his computer, he gave a whole new meaning to the word "terminal". He had worked hard, too hard and with only a year to retirement, he should have been winding down, not taking on more work. He expired instead of retired. He was now a stifferstaffer. Now there would be stiff competition for his job and the plot thickens... Like vultures on some hapless carrion, his team-mates swooped his desk to claim his supplies and earthly utensils. They picked it clean in five minutes. When the boss came out of his office to investigate, he shouted at them all, "Can't you buzzards wait until they take Bob away first??"

Etymology: Stiffer (more rigid;more dead) & Staffer (an employee, someone paid to do a job)


Your mind certainly comes to terms with wit and humor, even when writing about the 'terminal' ... I may never sit, with ease, at one again! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-30: 11:22:00

Your end of the lines and verbotomy are top of the line! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-30: 11:24:00

Cheers, silvery...the end justifies the means! - Nosila, 2009-03-30: 22:17:00

metrohumanx Nice, concise, precise! - metrohumanx, 2009-03-31: 02:29:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: em-ploi-ded

Sentence: Ralph worked on the overnight crew. His co-workers knew he often stayed beyond his prescribed time. What they didn't know was that Ralph had passed from employed to employeded, from a member of the graveyard shift to a graveyard stiff. If Mary hadn't gone to Ralph's office to retrieve her stapler, he might still be there still.

Etymology: employed (having a job) + dead (deceased)

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Created by: kateinkorea

Pronunciation: DIE HARD WOR ker

Sentence: “Death by deadlines” was what they wrote on his tombstone. But Charles’s dead end job became the death of him. Charles was always working hard while those around him were hardly working. His diehard devotion to his hard work ethics made him the diehardworker of the year…when he retired permanently of a heart attack.

Etymology: DIEHARD: Firmly, often unreasonably immovable in purpose or will HARDWORKER: Someone who works hard DIE:


Excellent etymology! Excellent verbotomy! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-30: 11:07:00

and if you believe in reincarnation you could have diehardworker2 - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-30: 12:46:00

Awesome word - especially the "death by deadlines" and " working hard while others were hardly working"! - ha ha, sad, though too. - splendiction, 2009-03-30: 20:16:00


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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: job corpse

Sentence: Be careful, for there is distress in any job corps. Don't let it become a deathstress and turn you into a jobcorpse!

Etymology: JOB - work. CORPSE - a dead body. JOB CORPS - any job group or work force. It has become widely used to refer to a goverment job training program for teens and very young adults, but can mean any job group or work force.


Is this an elite group? Great word! - rombus, 2009-03-30: 08:29:00

Awesome word! - kateinkorea, 2009-03-30: 10:01:00

Perhaps, Rombus, for after all people are dying to get in! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-30: 11:25:00

nice word but disturbing concept - this would have been a good definition for Halloween - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-30: 12:50:00

scary thought.....I'll try to take this advice myself!! Great Word! - mweinmann, 2009-03-30: 16:34:00

Excellent word - many interpretations. It is frightening that we often make corpses out of our youth. But aside from that, I do sometimes feel like a jobcorpse at work... - splendiction, 2009-03-30: 20:13:00


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Created by: rombus

Pronunciation: hart + attak + sd

Sentence: Nathan was forced to take retirement today. He was toasting his bagel in the lunch room and went down clutching his cream cheese to his chest. Because of his age, bad eating habits and penchant for work at the age of 83, he was heartattaxed and never received his enormous pension.

Etymology: Heart Attack and Axed -- Coronary and Terminated or Cancelled.


Perhaps it was a combo of the job and the being taxed to death that led to heartattaxed! Great blending! - silveryaspen, 2009-03-30: 11:06:00

terrific - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-30: 12:48:00

Fantastic. Your word also has "taxed" in it; working for so long and being taxed, too. - splendiction, 2009-03-30: 20:08:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: slayd off

Sentence: Jim was in stiff competiton at his company's corpserate headquarters for an execute-ive position. He literally worked himself to death after graduating autopsy of his class in the lethal firm. His smartyrdom had grave consequences for him when he was slayedoff 2 weeks before his retirement. Luckily his popularity and wake-fullness put the "fun" in his funeral and a ghoul time was had by all. There was a bouquet of rein-carnations with a card saying: RIP, Jim. It was to die for...

Etymology: Slayed (killed, dead) & Wordplay on "Laid Off" (terminated from a job)

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Created by: libertybelle

Pronunciation: m-ploy-ee-uf-the-morg

Sentence: Turns out that Wayne was a real employeeofthemorgue (also known as deadondesk syndrome)he was so dedicated to finsihing his sales reports that he ignored the obvious stroke he was having and died in his cubicle on Friday afternoon and wasn't found until Moday morning.

Etymology: employee of the month - a honor that goes to hardworking, dedicated employees + morgue - a holding area for the recently deceased.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: di + ree + tire + ing

Sentence: To dieretiring is to keep working way past the time that you should mentally and physically just to try to collect more money at retirement.

Etymology: Die, Dire, Retiring, "Die Trying".....


ooh - know a few of those - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-30: 12:46:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: eks eks ek yew tiv

Sentence: John went from clerk to supervisor to senior supervisor to junior executive, to senior executive to exexecutive in four years two months, a record in the department. Nobody knew hie surname.

Etymology: executive, ex


work will kill you - Jabberwocky, 2009-03-30: 12:47:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: līôf

Sentence: It was clear that Ralph wanted his full retirement. Through several mergers and stiff reductions, he had steadfastly resisted buy-outs and other offers to take an early pink-slip. He now has taken a non-voluntary lieoff as he was found taking a dirt-nap on the floor of his office. Ever the diligent worker, he had just completed the paperwork for taking a personal day, his first in 25 years.

Etymology: lie (be in or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface) layoff (a discharge, esp. temporary, of a worker or workers)


In looking at your 'score details' I noticed that you didn't vote for a single verbotomy all last week. I'm curious to know why not? - silveryaspen, 2009-03-30: 19:33:00


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silveryaspen - 2009-03-30: 02:06:00
Song of the Day: "Take this Job and Shove It" ... or should that be shovel it?!!!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-03-30: 07:18:00
Shovel it, about six feet under ~ James