Vote for the best verboticism.

'Thank goodness Rodney went first'

DEFINITION: v. To generously allow others to precede you in hopes that they will identify, reduce, and perhaps be eliminated by, the potential hazards. n. A gesture of courtesy which is really the lead-in to a trap.

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Created by: Clayton

Pronunciation: MAL-troo-iz-uhm

Sentence: Don Vito's maltruism was most evident near revolving doors.

Etymology: mal- + altruism


petaj I suppose he often let his friends try the dodgy brew first so that he could avoice malt ruism. - petaj, 2007-06-26: 03:15:00

petaj sigh. Hit the c and the e, but couldn't seem to hit the d! Avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid (100 times) - petaj, 2007-06-26: 03:16:00

Finally, avoice of reason. - Clayton, 2007-06-26: 07:06:00

petaj Avoice and ruism are actually examples of my intellexicon. - petaj, 2007-06-26: 07:46:00


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Created by: EpicButCrazy

Pronunciation: Lemm-i-fy

Sentence: To convince another to go ahead of you & do something without their thinking, rather like a lemming.

Etymology: Lemming-ify

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Created by: scrabbelicious

Pronunciation: Fah-all-gu-ide

Sentence: Clint was no idiot. No Sir! If he was a movie star he'd certainly have done his own stunts. But only after his personal fallguide tested the equipment, of course.

Etymology: Cunning modification of Fallguy, 80's tv show starring the same guy who did the Bionic Man, I think ( typecasting here!), and whose real name may also have been Guy (which is unlikey really). And 'Girl Guide' akin to Boy scout but disbanded and sadly subsumed into Scouts. (See any Enid Blython book).

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: sek-und-ware-ee

Sentence: It was a good thing that Bob became secondwary and let his friend sign up first for the all-expenses paid vacation to... Once the line cleared, the word "Afghanistan" was revealed.

Etymology: secondary, wary

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Created by: toadstool57

Pronunciation: curt-i-sEE

Sentence: Bob seems to be the human guinea pig of the family. They put old food on plate out of courtesee. Then see if he pukes after eating it. If not, they fill thier plates and feel confident in finishing the meal.

Etymology: courtesy/see

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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: SMAHR-turr

Sentence: Alex smartyred himself by having his coworker cut to the front for the staff-meeting continental breakfast, so that the coworker, and not Alex, would find out whether the milk was a month outdated, like last time.

Etymology: smarter + martyr


This is mostly based on a true story--sad thing was that I was the coworker! - mplsbohemian, 2007-06-26: 01:56:00

Great word! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-26: 10:15:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: trap eez

Sentence: Mickey would trapease himself some free cheese by courteously allowing Rodney to go first and snap the mousecatcher.

Etymology: Trap (hold or catch as if in a trap) & Ease (freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort) plus WordPlay on Trapeze (a swing used by circus acrobats)

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Created by: jadenguy

Pronunciation: ak wi az end

Sentence: "The early bird gets the worm," Julius declared as he held the reward aloft, "but the second rat gets the cheese!" His trite old expression gleaned a wave of bitter tacit agreeent, his team's acquiescension the solemn reminder that here, humanity ceased to be a virtue. Retail work kills souls.

Etymology: acquiesce + ascend

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: dett ee ket

Sentence: His sense of deathiquette had won him many admirers, and kept all of his detractors silent.

Etymology: etiquette, death


Morbid, but descriptive. - Clayton, 2007-06-26: 10:57:00


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Created by: grasshopper

Pronunciation: snide/ swap

Sentence: I never thought I would be one to snideswapbut in this world it is survival of the smartest.

Etymology: snide = deceptive, swap = to trade =snideswap

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purpleartichokes - 2007-06-26: 11:12:00
Hey James, can we vote for the old words? I voted, but didn't get a point. The word, however, got 3 points.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-26: 14:32:00
Hi Purple, Yes you should be able to vote for the old words. I will check the logic to make sure it scores properly. ~ James

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