Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To generously allow others to precede you in hopes that they will identify, reduce, and perhaps be eliminated by, the potential hazards. n. A gesture of courtesy which is really the lead-in to a trap.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: weareallbeautiful
Pronunciation: s-ah-k-ruh-s-ee-d
Sentence: Frank, although he knew that by allowing Rodney to try to get the cheese he was cruely sacriceding him beacause Rodney would be taken out by the trap, allowed Rodney to try to get the cheese first and to his delight Rodney was captured by the trap before he could take a bite of the cheese. Therefore Frank had all the cheese for himself.
Etymology: sacrifice+precede
Created by: ohwtepph
Pronunciation: yoo-first
Sentence: Ufirzt is a very disturbing ailment which involves a plate of mussels and a very sick man.
Etymology: You First! [...before I eat that]
Noufirzt, or rage before booty. - petaj, 2007-06-26: 07:48:00
Created by: jadenguy
Pronunciation: ak wi az end
Sentence: "The early bird gets the worm," Julius declared as he held the reward aloft, "but the second rat gets the cheese!" His trite old expression gleaned a wave of bitter tacit agreeent, his team's acquiescension the solemn reminder that here, humanity ceased to be a virtue. Retail work kills souls.
Etymology: acquiesce + ascend
Created by: grasshopper
Pronunciation: snide/ swap
Sentence: I never thought I would be one to snideswapbut in this world it is survival of the smartest.
Etymology: snide = deceptive, swap = to trade =snideswap
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: kur te snair
Sentence: Mojo the Mouse had learned how to avoid the mousetrap. When he saw the tasty cheese awaiting him, he always did a courtesnare, by letting his pal, Rodney spring the trap and leave him the tasty morsel. This way, Mojo wan't one of those mice, who thrice get a splice in a vise and heed no advice!
Etymology: Courtesy (a courteous or respectful or considerate remark or act) & Snare (entrap)
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: curt-ee-erst-while
Sentence: Galahad succeeded to the court by deploying a courtierstwhile strategy. He always allowed others to go before him in a show of courtesy, but they often fell into bear traps, dragon's lairs or other medieval dangers only to become his bygone friends.
Etymology: courteous + courtier + erstwhile (bygone, former)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: sakrəfrend
Sentence: Like Mikey in the old Life cereal commercial, Jimmy discovered that his buds saw him as the sacrifriend. They would always \"let\" him go first when the situation was at all sketchy. When they allowed him to go first at jumping into the mountain-stream-fed lake, me had to use every ounce of self-control he could muster to smile and call out, \"Come on in, the water\'s fine\".
Etymology: sacrificial (an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy) + friend (a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection)
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: arf-tah-you-be-trap
Sentence: i make it a point to afteryoobytrap before i go into any new room.
Etymology: after you, booby trap
good enough for my vote! hehehe - galwaywegian, 2007-06-26: 06:18:00
Created by: mplsbohemian
Pronunciation: SMAHR-turr
Sentence: Alex smartyred himself by having his coworker cut to the front for the staff-meeting continental breakfast, so that the coworker, and not Alex, would find out whether the milk was a month outdated, like last time.
Etymology: smarter + martyr
This is mostly based on a true story--sad thing was that I was the coworker! - mplsbohemian, 2007-06-26: 01:56:00
Great word! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-26: 10:15:00
Created by: jesster
Pronunciation: Snar + sis + sis + tic
Sentence: I saw the Jehovah's Witnesses lurking in the lobby, and quickly formed a snarcissistic plan. I stepped back and held the door open for a pleasant looking woman approaching from behind me. Perhaps the smile I returned was a bit too broad, as the odd look she gave me was replaced by an expression of horror and betrayal as they closed in on her waving copies of The Watchtower.
Etymology: Snare (to trap or entangle) + narcissist (one who is consumed by self interest)
Really funny sentence! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-26: 13:52:00
purpleartichokes - 2007-06-26: 11:12:00
Hey James, can we vote for the old words? I voted, but didn't get a point. The word, however, got 3 points.
Verbotomy - 2007-06-26: 14:32:00
Hi Purple, Yes you should be able to vote for the old words. I will check the logic to make sure it scores properly. ~ James
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