Vote for the best verboticism.

'He's kind of possessive about his litter...'

DEFINITION: v., To clean up another person's mess, only to have all their garbage dumped right on top of you. n., A person who tries to help other people solve their problems but always ends up in deep doo-doo.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: doo - un - doo

Sentence: As Harry lay on his back with a pile of Rover's doo on top of him, he realized that he had just experienced a case of dooundo. While shoveling the dog run, his shovel hit a rock, propelling him backwards and flinging the doo on top of him.

Etymology: Doo and Undo


LOL! I laughed at your word~ Good one! :) - abrakadeborah, 2012-03-05: 11:36:00


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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /shi-val-RIK-uh-shey/

Sentence: Richard thought he was being helpful when he offered to carry the old lady's shopping bags from the department store to her car, but his good deed chivalricocheted when the store security guard grabbed his arm and claimed he was shoplifting. Glancing around the parking lot, the old woman was nowhere to be found.

Etymology: chivalric - pertaining to a gallant deed; with good intention (from Old French, chevalier "knight") + ricochet - [informal] having an unintended consequence; to backfire (from Old French, give-and-take)


Knightly done! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-07: 11:06:00


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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Cown-sel-quen-se

Sentence: When Nicola heard the knock on her door late one night she knew it would be her best friend Dana with news of the latest tragic event in her life. This time she found her in floods of tears, when she asked her what was wrong she told her that she had been seeing a married man and didn't know what to do. Being a good friend Nicola sat and listened to her for the next five hours, eventually she advised her to give the man an ultimatum, the wife or her. Dana thanked her and left. What she hadn't realised however was that the man in question was her own husband, but she soon found out when the counselquence ended in him packing his bags and moving in with Dana a week later.

Etymology: Counsel(give advice to someone to help resolve a personal problem) + Consequence(result or effect)


I think those are my neighbors - Mustang, 2008-12-02: 07:33:00

excellent - Jabberwocky, 2008-12-02: 12:29:00

Great story, TJayzz...the basis of all Country & Western songs! - Nosila, 2008-12-02: 22:18:00

metrohumanx A modern parable, indeed. - metrohumanx, 2008-12-03: 16:44:00


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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: suk er suk er

Sentence: "The holly arrives Friday. Will you help make holly wreaths Friday night? the president of the Optimist club said. "We start selling them this Saturday. They have to be ready." Handy Andy suckcomed (succombed) with a reluctant "Okay". He was very busy during the holly days. Friday night, only Handy Andy and the president of the Optimist club showed up. He was stuck making holly wreaths all night, right up to Saturday morning, when people began arriving to buy them. Looking around for help from the president, he soon discovered the president had snuck out on him, leaving him to stay all day, selling them, alone. His mind kept silently repeating "succorsucker!"

Etymology: Succor - to give aid and assistance. Sucker - as a noun: pushover, fall guy, dupe - also as a verb: conned, tricked, duped.


Been there...done that. ;-) - Mustang, 2008-12-02: 07:35:00

nice and you reminded me that I have to pick up some fresh holly for the holidays - Jabberwocky, 2008-12-02: 12:33:00

Suckcomed succorsucker? You got my vote! :-D - logarithm, 2008-12-02: 17:30:00

Great blend - OZZIEBOB, 2008-12-03: 03:24:00

metrohumanx HandyAndy got succubusted! - metrohumanx, 2008-12-03: 16:48:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: fi/lan/thruh/plode

Sentence: John philanthroplodes a few times a week. He constantly jumps into squabbles and situations looking out for and defending his friends, only to become the target of his friend's aggressor.

Etymology: PHILANTHROPLODE - verb - from PHILANTHROPIST (one who loves mankind and seeks to help others and promote the good of others) + EXPLODE (to burst, fly into pieces, or break up violently)


terrific - Jabberwocky, 2008-12-02: 12:30:00

Very nice - OZZIEBOB, 2008-12-03: 03:23:00

metrohumanx You just can't keep it all cooped up inside. - metrohumanx, 2008-12-03: 16:47:00


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Created by: ZenNobody

Pronunciation: /pəb'trasəmp/

Sentence: Verb (v.): Claus endured pubtrasumping for his neighbor because of the feeling of satisfaction he got for trying afterwards. Noun (n.): The man being a pubtrasump assisted his new friend by transporting a package for her, only to be stopped by the police for it halfway into his journey.

Etymology: The word "Pubtrasump" is derived from the Latin; pūblicus, meaning "public", tract, meaning "draw, pull", and sump, meaning "waste".

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: ex kree myoonee kayt

Sentence: Morty knew it was going to be one of those days, when Myra would excremunicate him for trying to clean her cat Mungo's litter box. Mungo went turdally mental and attacked Morty as he carried the pan full of ripe cat poopsadaisies and tripped over a stool on the way outside. Morty could not win for losing. Myra was more concerned for the crap strewn all over her dungalow than for the fact that Morty lay in a dung heap on the kitchen floor. How could he save feces over this debacle? He felt like he had just bought a bowel on the Schlemiel Of Misfortune game of life!

Etymology: Excrement (waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body) & Excommunicate (exclude from a community)


petaj LOL very punny - petaj, 2008-12-02: 04:21:00

(cl)assy - emdeejay, 2008-12-02: 04:28:00

Sounds pretty crappy to me. - Mustang, 2008-12-02: 07:34:00

Great sentence - even greater last two lines! I'll never see P Sajak or that tv show without the 'bowel on the Schlemiel Of Misfortune' - silveryaspen, 2008-12-02: 13:19:00

metrohumanx VERY economical construction, Nozee. - metrohumanx, 2008-12-04: 16:32:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: sp ill an th ropp isst

Sentence: His time as a spillanthropist showed him that the milk of human kindness ended up sticking to the shit that happens more often than not. There were time when he was sorry he ever joined the pees corps

Etymology: philanthropist, spill


Damned messiprocity. - purpleartichokes, 2008-02-07: 04:54:00

you're still alive! hurrah! - galwaywegian, 2008-02-07: 05:54:00

Hey purpleartichokes -welcome back, we've really missed you - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-07: 06:04:00

sorry galway - didn't mean to leave you out - another excellent word - Jabberwocky, 2008-02-07: 06:05:00

Clever sentence! Graphic puns! Nifty verboticism! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-07: 08:53:00

Wonderful word and sentence. I suspect you and Banky (Maltruist) will be taking it away today. - ErWenn, 2008-02-07: 10:18:00

I guess the "milk of human kindness" has turned sour! Perhaps, also, the 'milk and honey route' is closed for repair! Top sentence and word. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-02-07: 18:13:00

nice, me jumped when I saw word - purpleman, 2008-02-07: 20:41:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: seh-MAYR-eh-trashd

Sentence: As often as not when Harlan would voluntarily attempt to solve other people's problems he would get it wrong and end up being severely samaritrashed for his well intended efforts.

Etymology: Blend of 'samaritan' (a person who is generous in helping those in distress)and 'trash' (v. to subject to criticism or invective; especially: to disparage strongly )

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: kown sel it ter

Sentence: Leo's job as a Catholic School Counsellor was hard enough. When he came home, he also tried to help Kitty and her cat, Catamoron. Sadly everything Leo touched turned catastrophic fur him. Feline dejected, he realized he was really a counselitter. His latest catastrophe made him catatonic and he decided to quit catechism, drive off in his Catellac and catapault himself on the road, away from his troubles. He travelled to the Catskills, Catalonia, Catelina and the Catacombs. What did he learn on his travels? We'll never know, because he got cataracts, a catheter and got his tongue.

Etymology: Counsel/Counsellor (some who gives advice about problems) & Litter (rubbish carelessly dropped or left about (especially in public places);1.A box used to provide a soiling area for (usually) pet cats, generally filled with sand, clay chips, etc.)


A catartic read! Good word. - splendiction, 2010-04-27: 19:51:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-02-07: 03:15:00
Today's definition was suggested by purpleman. Thank you purpleman. ~ James

silveryaspen - 2008-02-07: 21:21:00
Had fun with your definition today, purpleman! A rose for your good cartoon, James! (an aside for pupleman and Stevenson about a past verbot: You both noted that beefcant got votes but no comments. It was because most of the compliments I thought turned my face red! If you care to go back and take a look, I'm tickled pink to tell you I finally came up with one I could post!)

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-02-08: 04:17:00
Smells like a rose or maybe a strawberry. Thanks Silveryaspen! ~ James

silveryaspen - 2008-12-02: 13:05:00
Great word. Great etymology.

silveryaspen - 2008-12-02: 13:08:00
in the wrong box again! I'm flummboxed!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-04-27: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by purpleman. Thank you purpleman. ~ James

scrabbelicious - 2010-05-01: 13:17:00
What can I say, fools seldom differ. ;-)