Vote for the best verboticism.

'I'll just wait here until you're free.'

DEFINITION: v. To hover near, or directly on top of, a person who is busy doing something else, in order to force them to immediately surrender their full attention. n. A person who invades other people's private spaces and uses the social discomfort to demand attention.

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: ask-n-vay-der

Sentence: Alice was such an askinvader to anyone that didn't give her their full attention.

Etymology: Ask - To question and Invade - someone who enters by force in order to conquer.

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: ill - LOYT - ehr - uht

Sentence: Marjorie was an illoiterate who was beyond obnoxious with her insistence on having the attention of whomever she wanted to engage in conversation.

Etymology: Blend of ill or 'objectionable', and loiter. A play on the word illiterate as well.


very nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-11: 13:18:00

Good word, Mustang. I really hate illoiterates who cannot read! - Nosila, 2008-04-11: 22:44:00

great blend. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-04-12: 02:48:00


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Created by: EBalser

Pronunciation: bee-hover-ing

Sentence: The girl was behoving the busy working man and he could not concentrate.

Etymology: be-all around hover-To remain floating, suspended, or fluttering in the air ing-making it a verb

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: trespasiv

Sentence: John has a problem. His boss, Mr. Wygam has become a psychic leach. He will hover around John's desk in a trespassive manner until he can interrupt whatever John is working on. Much like a mosquito buzzing in your ear, he is almost impossible to ignore. The encroachment is usually followed by a WYGAM ("when you get a minute") and then some nonsense that will cause grief for everybody in the office.

Etymology: trespass (enter the owner's land or property without permission) + passive (without active response or resistance)


mrskellyscl A psychic leach -- love it! - mrskellyscl, 2009-05-19: 06:43:00

I'll have to add WYGAM to my texting - wayoffcenter, 2009-05-19: 09:18:00

WYGAM is here to stay, thanks! And I like the idea of psycholeechists (psyCHOLeechists) :P - dochanne, 2009-05-20: 23:36:00


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Created by: sjacksonnnn4


Sentence: Aye this girl has a mad case of constihoveritis!

Etymology: consti- continuous, hover, itis- disease

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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: flā'grən-tĭm'ĭ-dāt'

Sentence: Blake was really getting into the Big-Twelve semifinals, but Mauri flagrantimidated him until he caved. They spent the rest of the evening watching her "Gilmore Girls, Season 3" DVD's.

Etymology: 'flag,' to mark for attention; 'rant,' to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; 'timid,' lacking self-confidence, shy; 'Ate,' an ancient Greek goddess personifying the fatal blindness or recklessness that produces crime and the divine punishment that follows it; also, past tense of 'eat.'

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: Hov er neer kee ler

Sentence: Mervin Keeler was a respected accountant and chief executive in the firm of actuaries, Keeler Over and Howe. He was a very busy man. His new assistant, Juwanna, was becoming a royal pain to him. She demanded his attention 24/7 and got it into her head that they were an item. Because she had become a Hovernearkeeler, all the staff would hum the Hava Nagila song when she was pestering him. It was becoming embarrassing to Mervin, who was already happily wed to the senior boss' daughter. The doodling on his assistant's notepad suggestively summed his feelings...she had daydreamingly written over and over "Juwanna Keeler...Juwanna Keeler...Juwanna Keeler". And Mervin thought he did!

Etymology: Hover (linger, lurk near someone/thing); Near Keeler (by someone named Keeler) and rhymes with:Hava Nagila (translates from Hebrew as "Let's Rejoice";traditional song to dance the Hora, traditional Israeli dance; the most famous Israeli folk song, danced at weddings and Bar Mitvahs! Everybody sing: Hava nagila, hava nagila Hava nagila venis'mecha Repeat Hava neranena, hava neranena Hava neranena venis'mecha Uru, uru achim!)


Eggzellunt! - Mustang, 2009-05-19: 05:41:00


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Created by: DevynAlexanderSkyeHarris

Pronunciation: Hi-Per-A-Ten-Crow-Ch

Sentence: Viifae leaned onto Mutae's shoulder in snuggle-fashion, though Mutae continued his business as best he could. She Continued to rub against him in a very hyperattencroaching manner, urging him to complete his task until he had disband his charge due to her eventually seating herself directly in his lap.

Etymology: Hyper-excessive + Attention-to focus upon + Encroach-invade + Roach-pest that gets in everywhere.

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Created by: KJHowerter

Pronunciation: Huh-Ver-Cop-Ter

Sentence: "Cindy stop being such a hovercopter! I seriously can't focus with you clogging up my airspace."

Etymology: Hover: n. to remain suspended over a place or object Copter: n. see "helicopter"

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: eg-goh-SKEE-toh

Sentence: Roxie was so disruptive in the office that her workmates presented her with the "Egosqito" award for her egocentric habit of demanding their total attention by buzzing about, hovering around, and driving them crazy like a self-obssessed mosquito. At her looming Bob, at times, even recited a poem called "Mosquito", which he had written in his youth. It went like this: "Malicious mien, Buzzing, whining, biting: Summer's toxic arrow." She was, of course, not very amused!

Etymology: EGO: "i" (cognate with OE ic, I) The "i" or self of any person & MOSQUITO: any of numerous two-winged insects of the family Culicidae, the females of which suck the blood of animals and humans, some species transmitting certain diseases, as malaria and yellow fever. And, in the last couple of decades, new varieties of the diseases (in Australia) such as Murray River Encephalitis, Ross River Fever,. etc.


very apt - Jabberwocky, 2008-04-11: 13:11:00

Good one, about a buzzword! - Nosila, 2008-04-11: 22:46:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-11: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by shoeshineboy. Thank you shoeshineboy. ~ James

stache - 2008-04-11: 00:40:00
My verboticism have been updated? Hmm. I think this calls for a grammarauder.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-04-11: 08:01:00
Hey stache, thanks for your gentle grammaraudity. I has fixed the offending word. And by the way, if you notice any other stupid errors -- I mean miscommunications -- let me know and I will fix them. ~ James

stache - 2008-04-11: 17:45:00
you'se welcome.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-05-19: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by shoeshineboy. Thank you shoeshineboy ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-06-17: 00:15:00
Today's definition was suggested by shoeshineboy. Thank you shoeshineboy. ~ James