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'Don't have time for a shower...'

DEFINITION: n. A person who wears way too much perfume or cologne. v. To reek of perfume or cologne so strongly that it literally makes other people sick.

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Created by: AllNightWriter

Pronunciation: However you like, I don't speak Latin so your best guess is as good as mine! Something along the lines of tem-pus-feh-tearuh. Or not.

Sentence: "She doesn't have time to shower but she does have tempusfetere - shame it's not Christmas otherwise 'Secret Santa' cold buy her some wet wipes..."

Etymology: Tempus - Time Fetere - To stink

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: d-funk-eh-tise

Sentence: Reeking Rhonda defunkehtized her stinking pits with a spray called, 'Foulest Le Fluer Pewfume' She said it was made by, Sha'von.

Etymology: de-funk-The word funk basically refers to a strong, generally offensive odor. De-funk would be trying to un-funk a funky odor. :O) Eh- A sound made when nothing else fits the situation. Tized-taken in part from trauma-tized-To subject to trauma of the senses.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: off sent siv

Sentence: Estee Louder did not do anything by half. Even her perfume was triple applied and you could smell her coming a block away. When she started in the new office, people's attendance started to drop and it was found that they were all allergic to her strong perfume. They found her offscentsive. When management investigated, they asked where she had transferred in from. Cologne, Germany was the reply.

Etymology: Offensive (causing or able to cause nausea) & Scent (odor, perfume, aroma, smell)

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Created by: youngin105




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Created by: Nuwanda

Pronunciation: per-fume-i-gate

Sentence: I didn't have time to shower. I could mitigate the bed head with enough product--the wet look is in again, right?--but what to do about my gameyness? I decided to perfumigate, but didn't have any of my signature scents available. I ducked into a convenience store, grabbed the latest issue of Vogue and rubbed all the perfume samples all over my dirty jeans and shirt. On the upside, I got a whole section to myself in the movie theater!

Etymology: Perfume combined with fumigate


artr I hate it when someone steals my word before I thought of it. PERFECT! :-) - artr, 2009-01-23: 05:55:00

very good - galwaywegian, 2009-01-23: 08:06:00

Excellent! - Mustang, 2009-01-23: 17:13:00

A witigate no one could litigate! - Nosila, 2009-01-23: 23:35:00


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Created by: GlobalGallery




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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: dis sent fekt

Sentence: When JOY slept in, she would douse herself in perfume and not bother having a shower. Of course this was producing DIOR consequences for her colleagues. Her BOSS had decided that wearing scent was TABU, but TRUTH was, JOY was as addicted to perfume as if it was OPIUM. In fact, it was her OBSESSION. Because she was BEAUTIFUL, with lovely WHITE SHOULDERS, she felt the ENVY of some of her co-workers. If she had to GUESS, she'd say that it was either GIORGIO or NINA who had been her descenters. It was okay for him to light smelly cigars all day and for her to reheat stinky fish and cabbage dishes in the staff microwave. But if SHE was wearing a little perfume it caused a FRACAS, because it might disscentfect her fellows in the cube farm. Oh well, thought JOY, I don't plan to be here for ETERNITY, because I'm off soon to the RIVE GAUCHE in PARIS; COLOGNE in Germany and MY VOYAGE to the MEDITERRANEAN, thanks to winning the LOTTO!

Etymology: Disinfect - to kill pathogens, even good ones; Scent - smell, perfume or aroma; Infect - Contaminate with a disease or organism

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: sent a peed

Sentence: Flora was from Cologne and she was the office scentipede. You knew you were in her presence before you even saw her. She wore a strong haze of perfume around her daily and especially so when she returned from overseas trips with duty free shops. She was truly a scentsational worker.

Etymology: Scent (odor, aroma) & Impede (block one's ability (in this case, to breathe properly) & Wordplay on "Centipede" (bug with 100 legs)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: frāgrənsmäg

Sentence: Nobody was fooled when Trudy showed up at work in a fragransmog. Yeah, she had a different outfit but they knew she had had an "overnighter". She never felt comfortable showering anywhere but at home so she would douse herself with far too much perfume.

Etymology: fragrance (a pleasant, sweet smell) + smog (fog or haze combined with smoke and other atmospheric pollutants)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: pərfyoōməgāt

Sentence: When Marcy overslept and didn’t have time to shower for fear of missing her bus she would perfumigate. She never understood why she could not keep a cat for very long. They all seemed to want to run away with tears in their eyes.

Etymology: perfume (a fragrant liquid typically made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices, used to impart a pleasant smell to one’s body or clothes) + fumigate (apply the fumes of certain chemicals to (an area) to disinfect it or to rid it of vermin)


Nice one - galwaywegian, 2010-08-09: 09:28:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-01-23: 00:01:01
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-08-09: 00:08:00
Today's definition was suggested by silveryaspen. Thank you silveryaspen. ~ James