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'Isn't it a bit early to be wearing Christmas decorations?'

DEFINITION: n., A person so enamored with the holidays that they don't just deck their halls and home, but they also decorate their car, their cubicle, their pets, and themselves. v., To obsessively decorate according to seasonal holidays.

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Created by: MrOdd

Pronunciation: A bauble was originally a stick with a weight attached, used in weighing, a child's toy, but especially the mock symbol of office carried by a court jester. "Philia" (Greek: φιλíα) in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics is usually translated "friendship"

Sentence: A friendly relationship with baubles and decorations for any excuse, maybe even a holiday, a love of permutating one's individuality into value induced soley by a passing occasion and it's rendering of traditional, and therefore mindless, decorations.

Etymology: Bauble + philia

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Created by: robohamster

Pronunciation: deck o file

Sentence: "I can't believe Susan decorated the toilet this year." "I know, she's a total decophile."

Etymology: pedophile decorate

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Created by: AliA415




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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: tin-suh l-veyt

Sentence: Even before retailers start hawking the Christmas season Merry and her friend Holly begin decking their halls, pets, cars, cubicles and even their outfits. They have been known to wear glass ornaments as earrings and garland like a boa. Like a bedazzler gone mad, Merry will tinselvate a sweater so much that she has to be careful walking in front of a car at night for fear of blinding the driver.

Etymology: tinsel (decorations made of thin strips of shiny metal) + titivate (to make smart or spruce up)

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Created by: snekorb




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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: ob-SESS-ohr-ayt

Sentence: Once again, Glendora showed her extreme holiday spirit and went on a crusade to obssesorate everything including phones, the john, and every window in her home, the same in her office and even hung ornaments in the interior of her car.

Etymology: Blend of 'obssess' (to engage in obsessive thinking : become obsessed with an idea) and 'decorate' (to furnish with something ornamental )

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Created by: dapoliti9292




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Created by: karenanne

Pronunciation: DEK o rat

Sentence: Val Egurl was that special form of mallrat, the "Decorat." She obsessively purchased every holiday-themed item that she deemed to be "cute." She could no longer park in her garage because it was stuffed full of boxes, carefully labeled and color-coded for each major and minor holiday. She festooned both her house and herself with decorations for the relevant occasion. She even had lights up on her house year-round. But not just any lights - these were multicolored and synchronized to music, AND both the colors and the music corresponded to the holiday. On the Fourth of July, the lights were red, white, and blue, and the Star-Spangled Banner and other patriotic songs played. On Halloween, the lights were orange and black, and spooky music emanated. Not to mention Christmas - well, you get the idea.

Etymology: decorate + rat


deco-rat-ive word! - Nosila, 2009-12-15: 01:13:00


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Created by: thebaron

Pronunciation: com-pul-si-fes-ter

Sentence: Jill was such a compulsifester, she wore a wreath around her neck for two weeks before Christmas.

Etymology: compul (compulsive) fester (festivities)

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Created by: dochanne

Pronunciation: Silly-brate

Sentence: Sally sparkled and tinkled as she walked, the bells on her shoes making them look elfinesque, while her large fat-santa ear-rings flashed incessantly beside her red-dyed hair. When the door opened her colleagues inevitably looked up, their gaze drawn by reflex and some would emit a groan equally reflexively. "Season's Greetings!" she would smile at everyone, glowing with holiday glee as she bounded about the office in a flurry of red, green and gold, flashing lights and ringing bells. Until she bumped into Adrian, greying cubicle curmudgeon: "Oh, stop-it, you silly girl!" he snapped, having heard enough bells for the day. "If you don't go away or get rid of that crap I'll forcibly de-festoon you, sillybrate!"

Etymology: Silly - the very [] overuse of tinsel, bells, lights, fat flashing light santas, present-shaped ear-rings and other festoonery foisted on us by the over-indulgent foistooners of the season. Celebrate - what is commonly supposed to happen on special or seasonal occasions, and usually involving a modicum of merriment, mead, melee and possibly mistle-toe..

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-12-03: 01:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-12-03: 01:30:00
Hey Verbotomists, I thought it would be fun to create a Verbotomy Greeting Card for the upcoming holidays. So I am calling on all Verbotomists to Submit your Holiday Verbotomy Definitions. I will set up an e-card so we can send our best wishes, and our best words, to our friends. Be creative! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-12-03: 01:36:00
In other news, Galwaywegian's verboticism, "Minimaim", was published yesterday in Toronto Star. See: Congratulations to Galwaywegian ~ James

Jabberwocky - 2007-12-03: 06:04:00
love the outfit today - very festive

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-12-03: 09:05:00
Thanks Jabberwocky! I loved getting dressed up and lightening my hair for the holidays. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-12-04: 17:51:00
Thanks to everyone for sending in their cheeriest holiday definitions. And now Santa's elves will to get to work. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-12-09: 07:00:00
Hey Verbotomists, Sorry for the double replay this morning. I have updated the definition for today as of 7:00am EST. If you created a word for the service definition, you can see it here: That cake is so dry. Thanks for playing! Be creative, James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-12-14: 00:04:00
Today's definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie. ~ James