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DEFINITION: n., A pesky but persistently painful, and seemingly incurable paper cut, which simply refuses to heal. n. To cut or injure a "high use" body part, like a fingertip, knuckle or tongue.
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Created by: bookowl
Pronunciation: stab/in/a/bill/i/tee
Sentence: He was unable to shuffle cards at the casino due to his stabinability.
Etymology: stab + inability + stability
Created by: MrDave2176
Pronunciation: AWK-woond
Sentence: Tara's finger ached as the awkwound on the side of her finger opened for the umpteenth time. She had cut it opening the first envelope of the day and it had been continuously stimulated with each successive envelope.
Etymology: Awk(ward) + Wound
Good word. - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-03: 18:26:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: hurt turn itee
Sentence: Cameron's papercut had gone on for a hurternity. No sooner did it seem to be healing, when she would reopen it again. It did not help that she worked as a file clerk and had to shuffle hundreds of files and papers a day. She would bleed on files and bandages refused to stay on the cuts. She was beginning to think that the only way she could ever heal it would be to go on hurternity leave...
Etymology: Hurt (cut,injury,wound,feel pain) & Eternity (a seemingly endless time interval)
Created by: wordslikevenom
Pronunciation: pap-nip
Sentence: James rolled his eyes as Henrietta stuck out her sore finger, rolling the skin tip backwards and forwards. The papnip's mouth opened and closed to her squeaky high-pitched ventriloquism, "Hello, James ... hello .... hello".
Etymology: Pap(er) - thin flat material which is made from crushed wood. Nip - to bite.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: KRON-i-kut
Sentence: Nothing seemed to work. Barry tried Band-aids, antiseptic ointment and iodine. He just couldn't get the cronicut on the tip of his tongue to heal.
Etymology: Cronic (persistent, long-standing, long-term; incurable) Cut (make an opening, incision, or wound)
Good word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-09-05: 01:45:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: Whim-per-ciz-yun
Sentence: The pain from the whimpercision on her finger repeatedly brought tears to Lainie's eyes.
Etymology: Whimper - incision
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: in-kyoor-uh-kut
Sentence: Her blackberry looked like she bludgeoned someone with it, but it was just her incuracut acting up again.
Etymology: incurable + cut
Good word! - OZZIEBOB, 2007-10-03: 18:33:00
Created by: Rhyme79
Pronunciation: ree-petty-payne
Sentence: I've got this repetipain on my finger. I swear every time I left click my mouse.
Etymology: Repeat+pain = repetipain
Created by: kearstin
Pronunciation: in-fin-ick
Sentence: While shuffling TPS reports I got another of those dang infincks. I can't type - I'd better take a sick day. At this rate I'll have a worker's comp claim in no time.
Etymology: infinite+nick

Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram. ~ James