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'Aaaaaaahh! It's alive!'

DEFINITION: n. The unexpected moment of horror when you realize that you're sharing your bathroom shower with thousands of rapidly replicating fungi, commonly known as orange slime. v. To be colonized by orange slime.

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Created by: NeuroGlyph

Pronunciation: Durr-ugh-hum-bel-eh-side

Sentence: Hot durahumbellicide! I have never seen that big of a butt move so incredibly fast to kill that many pests within a 30 second time range. I also like a word that I created called POLYSHOCKTITIAN.

Etymology: DURA ~ hard lasting HUM ~ earth BELLI ~ war CIDE ~ to kill, cut down, rid of

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Created by: randomely




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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: mil doo plik kated

Sentence: When Jenny moved into her new apartment, she had made a spore-atic decision and decorated the bathroom in shades of orange and appricot. Because of the camouflage of orangy patterned shower curtain, she failed to notice the orange slime had mildewplicated itself on it. When she did notice, she felt smutty. Not only could she see them but horrors, they could see her, naked, every morning. Not knowing what else to do,she molded a plan and phoned her boyfriend. "Rusty", she purred into the phone, "I need you to come see me, because you are my fungi!"

Etymology: mildew (a fungus that develops in humid environments) & duplicated (reproduced or copied)


zxvasdf "...molded a plan..." fantastic! Puns galore. - zxvasdf, 2008-09-29: 12:52:00

metrohumanx Wow! You really do your research, Nosmeister. Do you have a favorite fungus? I was once followed home by an orange slime mold. :) - metrohumanx, 2008-09-29: 16:40:00


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Created by: leechdude

Pronunciation: fun-gis-o-fo-beea

Sentence: Jenny was in complete fungusophobia watching the orange slime inch their way up the shower curtains and her own toes.

Etymology: fungi, fungus, phobia

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Created by: milorush

Pronunciation: (n.) těr'-ə-rōōz'-əm; (tr.v.) těr'-ə-rōōz'; (adj.) těr'-ə-rōōzd'

Sentence: The only way to fight the spread of terroroozm is to attack it with chlorine bleach and elbow grease.

Etymology: terror[is]m + ooze

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: hor - anj - eh - fide

Sentence: Sheila was horrangified by the rapidly reproducing orange slime that clung menacingly to her shower curtain. She was afraid to stay in the shower long enough to wash her hair.

Etymology: horrified, orange

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Created by: niko23




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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: spore-na-men-tal

Sentence: Lucy was pleased when her mother-in-law complimented the lovely spornamental in her bathroom until she realized that the old bat was talking about the slime on the shower curtain.

Etymology: spore: one cell reproductive body produced by nonflowering plants and fungi + ornamental: a plant that serves as ornamentation

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: fun-jee-PHO-bee-ankst

Sentence: When Phoebe stepped into the shower and saw the massive orange slime blob on the shower floor she had a major case of fungiphobiangst and ran screaming from the bathroom.

Etymology: Blend of 'fungi' (any of a diverse group of eukaryotic single-celled or multinucleate organisms that live by decomposing and absorbing the organic material in which they grow,), 'phobia'(a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it.) and 'angst'(A troubled or anxious state of mind)


metrohumanx Great five syllable word, Mstang.... Slime blob squarepants makes me shudder. - metrohumanx, 2008-09-29: 16:51:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: Funjee-pho-bota-mee

Sentence: When Lucinda saw the creeping orange slime she had a severe attack of fungiphobotamy.

Etymology: Fungi + fear + response


now thats a cool word - KenM2, 2007-11-01: 20:11:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-31: 00:40:00
Today we have a special "scary" definition just for Halloween. It was suggested by purpleartichokes, who not only sent in a photo of bathroom suffering from such an infestation (It is not hers!), but who also offered to model for today's comic. Thank you purpleartichokes! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-10-31: 01:21:00
VERBOTOMY BLOG PARTY: November 1, 2007 is Verbotomy's first birthday! We are having a Blog Party to celebrate. Everybody is invited to the Verbotomy Blog to chat. All comments will be published as soon as you post them, so bring your favorite words and definitions and we'll chat. Go to Talk to you then! ~ James

purpleartichokes - 2007-10-31: 04:57:00
James - thanks for hiding my cellulite! And that shower curtain... sure glad it's not MINE!

Jabberwocky - 2007-10-31: 13:55:00
busted Purple - those signature artichokes are a dead giveaway

purpleartichokes - 2007-10-31: 14:37:00
Oh well... found out. And they do clash with the orange slime. Guess I should decorate in Tangerines.

iluvenglish - 2007-11-01: 05:30:00
its EXCELLENT.... keep it up, galwaywegian...

lumina - 2008-09-30: 05:10:00
Great word! FUNNY sentence!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-02-26: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by purpleartichokes. Thank you purpleartichokes. ~ James