Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To remember those special personal events, like your spouse's birthday, or your wedding anniversary, while nevertheless forgetting to take appropriate action, like getting a gift, or a card, or flowers. n. A gift that was thought of, but not purchased.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: prez sen tens
Sentence: The minute she walked in the door after work, Kelly had the feeling of presentense. The reason was that although she had intended to get Wesley a birthday gift, the truth was she clean forgot about it. She rallied by saying that it was out in her car. She ran out to Walmart and was able to grab him something. He was so willing to believe her that he failed to notice it took her an hour to bring in it from her car.
Etymology: Present (gift) & Tense (uneasy or nervous or anxious) & Wordplay on Present tense (a verb tense that expresses actions or states at the time of speaking)
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˌθiəˈɹikɑl/
Sentence: One can theorecall major events, which often results in lots of head-smacking and an inability to get sympathy from anyone, but it's also possible to theorecall simple things. For example, one might remember to go to the store but end up buying snacks instead of milk and eggs.
Etymology: From theoretical + recall
Created by: mplsbohemian
Pronunciation: nuhn-ih-VURRS-uh-ree
Sentence: Alex's birthday was yet another noneiversary, and he cleared out closet space in vain.
Etymology: none + anniversary
Created by: ewigkeit
Etymology: Oblivo, l. "to forget" and Vitiosus, l. "faulty, corrupt".
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: nairy annee vers nairy
Sentence: You just knew that after 37 years, the honeymoon was over. In the early years, Peaches and Howard had bought each other elaborate gifts and surprises to mark their wedding anniversaries...exotic trips, a new home, elegant gifts and expensive cameras, perfumes,jewellery, etc. After that long, people start to take each other for granted. Medicines and their side effects to keep symptoms at bay replace romance and passion with menopause,ED,gastro reflux and more frequent potty trips. Now they celebrated a naryanniversnary. Maybe he'd remember to shave that day and maybe she'd cook him a nice supper. They still loved each other, but they didn't remember why. Life just sometimes gets in the way of love...
Etymology: Nary (negative;not in any degree or manner; not at all) & Anniversary (the date on which an event occurred in some previous year (or the celebration of it);ie: a wedding)
Created by: Bulletchewer
Pronunciation: thort-dis-cownt or, in less civilised areas, fort-dis-caant
Sentence: He would often thoughtdiscount their "anniversary of the day we first kissed", which Marie valued greatly, choosing to reminisce rather than book a table.
Etymology: From the useless proverb "it's the thought that counts" and "discount" suggesting "being cheap". Shame and woe to all thoughtdiscounters- mahahahaha!
Good one! - purpleartichokes, 2007-04-06: 15:33:00
Created by: Ellemorpheus
Pronunciation: Dis-re-give
Sentence: How could she disregive me like that? Does she even care?
Etymology: Dis-not re-remember give-to give
Created by: simoneshin
Good potential...give us a sentence/etymology and you'll get more points! - Nosila, 2009-10-23: 22:45:00
Created by: x2talk
Pronunciation: sht-head-criptic
Sentence: Damn dog, you didnt buy anything for her? Thats a shtheadcriptic thing to do.
Verbotomy - 2007-04-06: 02:37:00
This definition is based on a fictional event. The fact that my dear and loving partner celebrated her birthday yesterday, is not related to this definition in anyway whatsoever. It is simply a coincidence. And, may I repeat, I did not forget her birthday. In fact, I thought of many gifts which I could have easily purchased for her. Thank you. ~ James
purpleartichokes - 2007-04-06: 08:13:00
So your partner got "Jamesed"?
Verbotomy - 2007-04-06: 09:59:00
I believe she was verbotomized. And I don't think she was too pleased with the procedure. ~ James
purpleartichokes - 2007-04-06: 11:12:00
That bad, huh? Well, an iron makes a useful gift, as it is the perfect size, shape, and weight to make good contact with the forgifter's cranium.
Verbotomy - 2007-04-06: 13:26:00
Forgifter? What a wonderful merger of the words "foresight" and "gift". Clearly, I should be be forgiftgiven.
purpleartichokes - 2007-04-06: 15:31:00
Perhaps a bottle of fine whine with some aged cheesy excuses might work.
petaj - 2007-04-06: 19:51:00
No doubt you have been celeberated for exploiting the comissmemoration for the benegift of the verbotomy crowd. Maybe a box of shocklates would help.
petaj - 2007-04-06: 19:53:00
Or may be a celebelation will suffice.
Verbotomy - 2007-04-08: 09:38:00
Thank you for your kind thoughtdiscounts. ~ James
Verbotomy - 2009-10-23: 00:13:00
Today's definition was suggested by wordmeister. Thank you wordmeister. ~ James