Verboticism: Cacheualocate

'Wow, you haven't changed since high school!'

DEFINITION: v., To seek out old acquaintances even though you never really knew them that well, or liked them very much, in the first place. n. An old and unwanted friend who has suddenly reappeared.

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Created by: MrDave2176

Pronunciation: cash-u-el-O-cate

Sentence: Mark was bored so he hopped on Google in an attempt to cacheualocate his old high school drug buddies to kill a weekend with. He did manage to bullseyedent one but his MySpace page said he was "Born again" so he was out. Another one Mark managed to interneterrogate had managed to get busted in another state and was serving time. But his last queryquarry was still single and was still living with his parents according to his AdultFriendFinder profile. Interneterrogate: To do deep queries for a specific person on the Internet. Queryquarry: the subject of an interneterrogation. Bullseyedent: Find your queryquarry through interneterrogation.

Etymology: Cache (a store of something) + casual (in the sense of not a deep aquaintance or friend) + locate.

Points: 464

Comments: Cacheualocate

OZZIEBOB - 2007-10-01: 18:09:00
"Queryquarry"- great word!