Verboticism: Nsynchronicued

'If I don't get this stupid song out of my head...'

DEFINITION: A state of reduced mental capacity, caused by an inability to think of anything but an annoying pop song, which seems to be endlessly repeating itself in your mind.

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Created by: Kyoti

Pronunciation: en-sink-KRON-uh-kyood

Sentence: It started in the shower, went through breakfast, all through rush hour, into the office, and well past lunch before Lance began to notice he was so Nsynchronicued that he was wearing two different shoes, a Kerokerokeroppi tie, his suit coat was inside out, and that singing "Hit Me Baby One More Time" in the men's room was drawing mixed interest from onlookers.

Etymology: N'Sync (boy band) + chronic + cued (ready to play, as in a record or CD)

Points: 725