Verboticism: Thinket

'I can't believe you forgot my birthday! Whaaa!'

DEFINITION: v. To remember those special personal events, like your spouse's birthday, or your wedding anniversary, while nevertheless forgetting to take appropriate action, like getting a gift, or a card, or flowers. n. A gift that was thought of, but not purchased.

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: think-eht

Sentence: My husband thought about getting me a trinket for my birthday, but all I ended up getting was a thinket. Perhaps he got fuggitful or forgiftful, because later he got doghousen syndrome.

Etymology: trinket, think

Points: 719

Comments: Thinket

iwasatripwire - 2007-04-06: 13:59:00
I might actually use this one in real life.

Bulletchewer - 2007-04-06: 15:20:00
Can the sympoms of doghousen syndrome be eased by the sufferer sleeping on the sofa, or indeed in the doghouse?

Bulletchewer - 2007-04-06: 15:20:00

purpleartichokes - 2007-04-06: 18:30:00
I like sympoms better. Pays homage to The Simpsons and celebrates this dohccasion. And "The Couch" brings back such bad memories for my boyfriend that he'd prefer to sleep on my f.u.ton.

petaj - 2007-04-06: 19:57:00
Ignore his f.u.tile excuses. Tell him you want your birthday celebelated.

purpleartichokes - 2007-04-07: 06:03:00
Oooo, celebelate is a GREAT word!