Verboticism: Flusterduck
DEFINITION: v. To listen intently and sympathize with your colleagues when they request assistance, and then to simply, and completely, forget about it. n. The ability to sympathize with, yet ignore, requests for help.
Created by: Alchemist
Pronunciation: FLUS-tuhr-duk
Sentence: Once more frustrated in her effort to get him to change the office mousetrap, Brenda stormed angrily from Dick's office. "That woethario has flusterducked me for the last time. Time to go over his head. I'm calling DADDY!"
Etymology: From the Flemish "Flustre Du" meaning to pee on the outhouse door in winter, causing it to freeze shut.
Points: 644
Comments: Flusterduck
Alchemist - 2007-02-27: 08:32:00
Big tip of the pen to purpleartichokes!
Discoveria - 2007-02-27: 08:58:00
What kind of culture needs a word for "freezing the outhouse door shut by peeing on it"? Interesting word...
purpleartichokes - 2007-02-27: 09:57:00
I thought Flustre Du was to pee on an electric fence. Thanks for clearing that up!
Alchemist - 2007-02-27: 11:04:00
the Flemish have a peculiar sense of humor. you see, the act was performed to trap unsuspecting victims, or "flustrekels" INSIDE the outhouse.
purpleartichokes - 2007-02-27: 12:13:00
No doubt to try to turn them into flustcicles. Those naughty Flemish!
Discoveria - 2007-02-27: 15:44:00
I guess I'd be flustered-too if I was trapped in an outhouse by some bladder-emptying trickster.