Verboticism: Grillpower

'Wow! My brainwaves are melting cheese!'

DEFINITION: v. To pace, stare or drool in front of your stove or microwave, in an effort to use sheer willpower to make your food cook faster. n. A watched pot, pie or pudding.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: gril pow er

Sentence: Aman's power to cook food quickly with his mind was quickly discovered and exploited. He could melt a smelt; toast a roast or stew a gnu. His grillpower was so strong that his girlfriend, Dinah, was afraid that he'd advertise this under her name. But he called his new cookers Amana...

Etymology: Grill (cook over a grill) & Willpower (the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior)

Points: 551