Verboticism: Stampherd

'Wait! Can't you guys read? '

DEFINITION: n. A group of runners that moves as a single entity, ignoring traffic signals and pedestrians alike. v. To run in a herd without watching where you are going.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: stamp-hurd

Sentence: The concrete was supposed to last for years but it is no match for the stampherd. Their daily footfalls have caused the city to replace crumbled sidewalk several times in the past few years.

Etymology: stamp (to bring the foot down forcibly or smartly on the ground, floor, etc) + stampede (a sudden, frenzied rush or headlong flight of a herd of frightened animals, especially cattle or horses) + herd (a number of animals kept, feeding, or traveling together; drove; flock)

Points: 731