Verboticism: Gaspirate

'Why are you sniffing your phone?'

DEFINITION: n., A compulsive need to sniff everything and anything you pick up, even things that typically do not have distinctive odors. v., To habitually sniff everything within your grasp -- just to make sure it's fresh.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: gas pir ayt

Sentence: They called Barney the bloodhound, because he would gaspirate every object that came into his hand. It was embarrassing enough for friends when he did it in restaurants and stores. But when he started doing it to new people he'd meet, they just had to keep a sniff upper lip and hope he would not describe what he smelled.

Etymology: Gasp (a short labored intake of breath with the mouth open) & Aspirate (inhale;suck in air, along with whatever smells accompany said lungful)

Points: 743