Verboticism: Hamstheir

'I am deeply saddened by my master's departure...'

DEFINITION: n., An animal, usually a much loved pet, whose dead and departed owner has bequeathed a huge sum of money solely for its comfort and care. v. To leave part or all of an estate to a pet animal.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: ham - stair

Sentence: Henrietta left her favorite pet, Helena, the bulk of her fortune. She wanted to make sure that her BFF Hamster was pampered, pleased, petted and perfumed until the day she too passed into the next world. Before Henrietta died, she even started referring to Helena as her special hamstheir.

Etymology: Hamster (rodent, often kept as a pet), Heir (someone who inherits money, position or posessions).

Points: 1127